Related: About this forumGov. Abbott wants to ban unauthorized immigrants from Texas schools
This is wrong. this is another dumb stunt by Greg to try to win.
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The challenges put on our public systems is extraordinary, Abbott said, before referencing Plyler v. Doe, the ruling that overturned the Texas law. I think that we will resurrect that case and challenge this issue again because the expenses are extraordinary and the times are different than when Plyler v. Doe was issued many years ago.
In that case, the court ruled that education has a fundamental role in maintaining the fabric of our society, and withholding it from the children of immigrants in the country without paperwork does not comport with fundamental conceptions of justice. People living without documentation in the country remain people in any ordinary sense of the term" and are thus entitled to the same basic rights as anyone else in the country.....
Greg Abbott has once more distinguished himself as one of our most irresponsible and desperate politicians, Thomas A. Saenz, president and general counsel of MALDEF, said in a statement. The Plyler decision, he said, is firmly established by the court and has also been endorsed by Congress.
This is yet another stunt by Greg

(39,196 posts)Ferrets are Cool
(22,094 posts)How about doing something constructive, you fuckhead.
(43,049 posts)system early in the early 20th century. Ellis Island alone giving us a sytem with around 30 languages spoken.
(2,506 posts)If the Texas education system spent less money on fancy multi-million dollar stadiums and more on education? 🧐
(159,624 posts)This is a very dumb concept even coming from Greg
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The Supreme Court case in question, Plyler v. Doe, was brought to the court after Texas passed a law prohibiting the state from using public funds to educate children who came into the country illegally. The Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision in 1982 that the state's actions violated the 14th Amendment's "Equal Protection Clause" and struck down Texas' law.
Abbott's comments came during a right-wing radio talk show, The Joe Pags Show, after the host complained about the "burden on communities" that he argued immigrants create.
"The challenges put on our public systems is extraordinary," Abbott replied. "Texas already long ago sued the federal government about having to incur the costs of the education program, in a case called Plyler v. Doe. And the Supreme Court ruled against us on the issue about denying, or let's say Texas having to bear that burden."
Greg does not have a Disney to attack and so is attacking migrant children This is a disgusting stunt even for an asshole like Greg
(2,759 posts)Can't say this enough times: Phuque abbott!
(159,624 posts)I still have a land line in addition to my cell phone and so I get polled from time to time. I was polled a couple of months back on school vouchers. This was a GOP poll trying to measure support for school vouchers and the gutting Texas public education. .
I see now that Greg wants to destroy public education and give vouchers to children attending private schools.
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We can fully fund public schools while also giving parents a choice about which school is right for their child, Abbott said during a campaign event in San Antonio. Empowering parents means giving them the choice to send their children to any public school, charter school or private school with state funding following the student.
Abbott has long been a supporter of the broad concept of school choice, but his focus on it has ebbed and flowed throughout his governorship. His commitment to the cause was thrown into question by a recent string of endorsements in Texas House primary runoffs where he backed Republicans opposed by school-choice proponents, including U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz.
Critics of vouchers say they hurt public schools, an argument that Abbotts Democratic challenger, Beto ORourke, quickly made after the governors remarks.
Abbott is for defunding our public schools, ORourke tweeted. I'm for fully funding our kids classrooms and fully supporting parents, teachers, and students.
Greg is out to destroy public education n Texas and this is just the lates tool
(159,624 posts)Greg is being cruel for the sake of being cruel. This is the best way for Greg to try to be crueller than DeathSantis
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.....I often wonder how people like Greg Abbott reconcile the loving teachings of Jesus Christ with their hateful worldview. Does anyone believe that Jesus Christ would approve of denying children an education because of their immigration status? How anyone goes to sleep at night while working to do that is beyond me.
Abbott claims that education expenses are too great for the state of Texas to bear when it comes to undocumented children and that denying them an education will serve as a deterrent. First of all, no it wont, deterrence tactics to curtail immigration have never and will never work. Second, it is revealing that Republicans consistently refer to education as an expense as opposed to an investment. Educating children and giving them an opportunity to get ahead in life while contributing back to our society is not just the right thing, to do, its the smart thing to do in terms of building a diverse and reliable workforce, and people like Greg Abbott are too stupid to see that.
While Abbott might claim that this is about fiscal concerns, his record shows that he doesnt care about spending a whole lot of government money when it serves his political agenda. Texas has spent billions of dollars on Abbotts idiotic antics serving as red meat to his Republican voting base, like the Operation Lone Star stunt, which forced thousands of soldiers to the southern border to do nothing and cost taxpayers $2 billion a year. He implemented a now rescinded policy that forced commercial vehicles to undergo redundant inspections that turned up nothing and resulted in $4 billion in losses to the Texas economy.
Republicans like Greg Abbott dont really care about Christianity, fiscal responsibility, small government, or any sort of coherent ideology. They only care about themselves and their own political gain. They have nothing to offer the public in terms of an actual political agenda that will better their lives or material conditions, so they demagogue and try to pit working-class communities against each other. They will stoop so low as to try and deny children an education. When you think they cant go lower, they find a way.