Related: About this forumTo expunge his daughter's murder from the Internet, a father created an NFT of the grisly video
Graham Moomaw RetweetedSo he created an NFT of the shooting in a complex & potentially futile bid to force tech companies to act
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(26,366 posts)Firestorm49
(4,262 posts)NFT Not for Tourists
NFT Nutrient Film Technique
NFT Network Fault Tolerant
NFT No Fixed Time
NFT Network File Transfer
NFT Neurofibrillary Tangles
NFT National Film Theatre
NFT Network Fault Tolerance (Hp)
NFT National Foundation for Transplants
NFT No Free Ticket (movies)
NFT Nutrition and Food Technology (various universities)
NFT Niagara Falls Tourism (Canada)
NFT National Field Trial (dog club)
NFT Noble Fool Theatricals (St. Charles, IL)
NFT Nuflare Technology (Japan)
NFT Nuclear Fuel Transport Co., Ltd. (Japan)
NFT Newfoundland Time (GMT-0330)
NFT Neurofeedback Therapy
NFT Nearest-Feature Transformation (algorithm)
NFT Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority
NFT Nichiyu Forklift Thailand Co., Ltd.
NFT Neuroplastic Functional Training (therapy)
NFT Not for Trade
NFT No Further Text
NFT Night Flying Test
NFT Nursing Facilities Transition
NFT Newfound Technologies (Madison, Wisconsin)
NFT Non Functional Test
NFT Near-Feasibility Threshold
NFT Nuclear Filter Technology, Inc. (Golden, CO, USA)
NFT Narrow Field Telescope
NFT Native Fault Test