Blacks much more likely to be arrested for marijuana in W.Va.
Color me shocked, shocked I tell you!
And I'll bet you these stats reflect the reality all across this country.
The Charleston Gazette
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Blacks much more likely to be arrested for marijuana in W.Va.
By By Erin Beck, Staff writer
Black people are nearly six times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than white people in West Virginia, even though both groups use the drug at similar rates nationwide.
In West Virginia, black people made up about 3 percent of the population and about 17 percent of marijuana arrests in the state in 2012, according to FBI statistics and Census data.
Meanwhile, the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration found that, in 2012, 12.3 percent of white people and 14.4 percent of black people reported using the drug.
Police say the arrest discrepancy is not part of a targeted effort, although they did say they sometimes focus on certain geographical areas.... surrre, whatever you say
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