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Well the Greens dont want off shore processing,Abbott wants to reopen Nauru and the Labor guys want to get Malaysia up and running for off shore processing.
It appears to me that Mr.Abbott has shot himself in the foot as he wants to send the boats back to Indonesia and they arent a signatory to the UN,Nauru would cost far to much to reopen again and to get a detention centre up and running in Australia,would be to great an ordeal;,so where does this leave us.
Mr,Abbott is a total imbecile,The Greens arent far behind and the Labor Party are belting their heads against a brick wall trying to get the Malaysia solution open.
I believe that Indonesia should try and put a stop to these boat/people smugglers,BUT again many of these people are to blame as well paying these MORONS thousands of dollars to come out to Australia the back door way.
What ever happened to those people who SHOULD have the brains to go to an embassy in their country,fill out the necessary forms,get a passport and instead of paying out thousands of dollars to come in the 'back door' why dont they spend $100 and fly in like normal people,OR what have they got to hide.
The mind boggles

Esra Star
(2,169 posts)all the people that have been sent there previously have been re-settled in Australia or New Zealand. So this would suggest that it isn't the rolled gold deterrent that Tony thinks it is.
The Malaysia solution will need to be run for a couple of years to see if it works.
(6,384 posts)but it is a fact that in many countries, such as Afghanistan and Iraq, where many boat people originate, there is no embassy for them to go to. Leaving those countries is in itself hazardous - no straightforward exit and entry points, and people risk their lives to get out. And they can't fly, because they can't get visas for Australia from an embassy that doesn't exist, and airlines are prohibited by law from accepting passengers without visas. That's assuming there is a plane to fly out on, which there isn't. Hence, the trade in boats.
Indonesia could, and should, help put an end to people smuggling, but their police and military make tidy profits from keeping it going - it couldn't happen without the help of the authorities there, and there are kickbacks all down the line. And they won't accept boats that are sent back - Rudd tried that, and was left with egg on his face.
We know where Abbott's coming from - "Just say no" - but the Greens are particularly stupid on this one. They weep over people dying at sea, yet they think that on-shore processing, with an almost-guaranteed acceptance, is going to stop the boats. They are being ridiculous. Their idealogy so often gets in the way of rational thinking, I'm afraid. And if Clive Palmer wants onshore processing, it must be a bad idea - he's only interested in getting cheap labour, and who wants to support that?
I agree - Malaysia isn't ideal, but it's worth a try. The Greens need to get their heads screwed on and support the government on this one.