Europe's democrats must unite to prevent a far-right takeover

The battle lines are now drawn for Europes ultimate test: the May 2019 elections for the European parliament. Thats when far-right and populist parties will attempt to complete their power grab in the EU. In the elections of 2014, they made gains. Next year, theyll seek to dominate. The dramatic events weve witnessed over the past fortnight, in Germany and Italy have been a mere foretaste of the showdown that lies ahead.
Its often said that anti-establishment and nationalist parties want to dismantle the European project altogether. But whats at stake is more likely to be a full-on effort to redraw it to their liking. The migration issue is the starting point of a continental power struggle pitching two very different versions of the principles that should bind Europe together. One is liberal democratic, and attuned to the notion of an open society; the other is fortress-minded, illiberal and intolerant. This has global implications: anti-EU leaders in Washington and Moscow want to reap their own rewards from the mayhem which they are playing their own part in fomenting.
Shit is about to get really interesting...... The only good thing is that UKIP will be decimated...