Election Reform
Related: About this forumThe 2020 election did expose one fraud: the GOP case for Voter ID.
Long before Donald Trump began talking about rigged elections, Republicans have told Americans that we urgently need to protect the integrity of the vote. Theres fraud out there, theyve said, and theres enough of it to warrant measures such as Voter IDs.
But in perhaps the most closely scrutinized election in history, a heartening and instructive truth has emerged: people dont want to cheat nearly as much as GOP lawmakers say.
Republicans, led by President Donald Trump, certainly have been looking. Poll watchers have dutifully showed up at precincts across the country, and observers were dispatched to keep an eye the processing and counting of ballots in states with close presidential results. Republican officials also set up hotlines where people could report suspected shenanigans, and Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick even offered a minimum of $25,000 to anyone in the country who provides information that leads to an arrest and final conviction of voter fraud.
If there was an election in which the GOP could prove widespread voter fraud instead of just imagining it, 2020 was it.
Read more: https://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/editorials/article247291039.html
(Raleigh News & Observer)

(7,337 posts)..... the best system that has worked for every election before Voter ID.
It easy. Go to exactly the same voting place for my ward for every election for 35 years. Stand in short lines 2-3 max deep. Wait until I'm number two inline. Number one has already had the second name check and been hand a ballot.
Small talk with the poll worker (neighbor, a retired teacher, local business owner, fishing buddy, etc.) Hi John, how are things? Wife? Kids? Are you going to fish fry on Friday night? Later! Name checked and assigned a number. Move over to get my ballot. Go to the voting booth. Vote! Move to the tabulator.
Repeat the salutations, except for this time; it's the retired police chief. Hey, chief, how's retirement? Ready for deer season? Good turn out?
OUT THE DOOR. Greeting newcomers on the way in. Smal lines Mary, have a nice day.
The worst part is finding a parking place if Mike didn't take up two spaces, so his new truck doesn't get scratched. Nice truck, Mike!
Voter fraud my a$$!
(36,829 posts)It has never been about "voter fraud" it has always been about harassment of Dems and suppression of liberals. I'm so sick of this. Stop the cheating, stop the suppression!
The GOP can't win unless they lie and cheat. THAT has always been the point.
(9,090 posts)the whole immigration issue was a mess because while establishment republicans want the cheap labor, rove started using rw radio to howl about dems helping 'illegal immigrants' vote - since 2000 - probably to help the base excuse the florida theft. they just kept going with it and ramping it up (into millions, like in the last election cycle) and if dems had been monitoring radio it would have been obvious. trump used it like that and dems missed the whole connection, still miss the main story and don't even poll for the biggest correlation - trump's base are fucking dittoheads more than anything else
William Seger
(11,458 posts)... someone unable to figure out that they were taking a huge risk of prosecution with literally no chance of it having any effect on the outcome.
(1,277 posts)Also prevents what the GOP did in North Carolina a couple years back.
(38,517 posts)stealing a whole district or even state at a time, by suppressing votes and gerrymandering. It's enormously more effective. Vote fraud is largely nonexistent because it is ineffective except in the smallest local elections.