Is Facebook irrevocable?
I've never signed up for it, but have been invited to a group. I understand you can set your profile to private but I'm skeptical. I read no one out side the group can see you, but group users can, as well as new group members. If I leave Facebook will it follow me around like Google everywhere? Can you use an a blocker on Facebook like AdBlock? Silly question.
Do people use aliases on Facebook? On meetup you can.
Is Facebook as bad as LinkedIn where they pummel you with blather all day and nothing is relevant? I get a message, I reply, it never seems to register with the other user, I get more notices of the message, I'm asked to send a canned reply.
The only thing that works really well on line is DU!!
X is officially hollowed out. So few profiles I recognize. Big people left for Threads. eBay has launched eBay Refurbished - tech from eBay-authorized sellers who refurbish things. With an All-State warranty free. Don't need to tell you how that will destroy little people. Sorry for the ramble, just a couple examples of how online is not working for ordinary folks nowadays.

(27,427 posts)If I have not accepted you as a friend you can't see much beyond my name and profile picture.
You are not supposed to use aliases on FB, but I have no idea how that's enforced.
No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)I mainly use it for keeping contact with nieces and nephews out-of-town, about whom I'd know practically nothing of their lives without such input.
I also inform them (and anyone else who cares to see it) family history/genealogy, as I'm in effect the matriarch of our line, and this is an easy way to pass on family history and photos.
There are also certain pages/groups of interest to me, and to which I contribute bits and anecdotes; ex. local history of my neighborhood, and certain sites relating to my religion and politics.
I can block anyone or most subjects/sites if I find them annoying.
Because I'm elderly, many of my contacts have died along the way, so I still have a number of deceased ones among my "friends".
Overall, I find Facebook useful, and check it daily.
(10,136 posts)The website gives you a little more in options for privacy.
When you are done viewing the site, manually log out, not just close the window.
(1,962 posts)You can delete your account. Facebook hasn't bothered me for years now
(91 posts)Instagram(2012), WhatsApp (2014), Oculus VR (2014), Onavo (2013), Beluga (2011)
I went to change my FB password and it want to link my Instagram username/password... both fake but still.
One time I was going to buy a Oculus system because they are neat, never did because I big thick glasses. I guess I can save my money now.