What I like about Open Source Freedom of choice! Standardized Linux?????
There are discussions on the web that Open Source Distributions are too Fragmented and that there should be one type of standard that all Linux Distributions, that one standard would help it become a main stream desktop OS. I disagree, what is your opinion?
I think it would be a sad day for open source if all had to conform to one standard and one only. Too much like Windows, For example we all know that Ubuntu has decided that Unity is what they are basing their OS on. So what if Unity became the only desktop standard all other distribution could only use a form of Unity in their OS's to stay with a Linux standard, Boring? So what happens if Unity is not good for you, back to Windows? I think that a standard like that would kill Linux desktop. Linux desktop may never have any where near the number of Windows users. I enjoy the choices it gives me. How about you? oo

(67,112 posts)stifles forward innovation and progress like forcing one type of standard to all Linux Distributions. In fact, it would push Linux into the mold it broke.
(47,675 posts)and others have builds for clusters. All of it is open source so you can fuck with it as you please, but standardizing it would simply marginalize it. Remember the early 80's when everything had to be "PC Compliant"? That was stupid. I had an Amiga 2000 with a 386 card that could blow away any of the so called "PCs" of the day. Yet the native operating system was far superior - full multitasking with multiple environments (what you would call "users" on Win 7) that you could switch between seamlessly. And it ran the OS off of a fucking 750K single-sided 3 1/2" floppy! The Atari ST was a close second and Mac wasn't far behind. Win 3.0 was the first thing even close to catching up and it sucked moose cock. Win 3.11 was the only stable version in that era.
(5,477 posts)I used to lament the way that great projects could sometimes go by the wayside, and I'd blame it on a lack of unity (not the desktop) in the Linux community. Several years ago started to dabble in Linux when I heard claims that a distro called Ubuntu was the first user-friendly version of Linux that would do anything your regulary Windows machine would do. This was around the time of Dapper, and I was impressed enough with it that I dual booted for quite awhile, trying to slowly transition my usage away from the Windows drive. But at that time, Ubuntu simply wouldn't do everything I needed it to without a ton of troubleshooting. I was a nerd, but I was a nerd with bills to pay who didn't have time to beat his computer into submission in ways beyond what was already familar. So I continued to rely pretty heavily on Windows.
A few years passed, and Ubuntu made some leaps and bounds in usability...and to top it off, a project called Geubuntu (later OpenGEU) sprang up and put the very experimental Enlightement E17 window manager on top of the now-reliable Ubuntu and basically kept aspects of Gnome for things outside of E17's scope. It was a very elegant distro geared toward designers, and some brilliant themes came out of it. I was amazed and maybe a little obsessed, but while there were some brilliant developers involved, there simply weren't enough of them. The project ground to a halt. It was a bold thing to have attempted in a time that the Gnome/KDE wars were drawing loads of attention (and community effort) to those projects. So although I didn't leave Linux when my favorite distro went cold, I was pretty much convinced that this was a disaster and the Linux community as a whole should really just get our shit together.
Fast forward a year or two, and SO MUCH interesting stuff has happened in the world of desktop Linux. I won't label this or any other year "the year of the Linux desktop," but the creativity and pace of innovation in the Linux community is astonishing. I'm currently running Xubuntu on a 10 year old desktop and a 5 year old laptop, as well as Linux Mint Debian Edition on a 6 year old lower-end laptop. I have settled on XFCE for all of them, and they do everything I need with grace (and sometimes a little extra effort). But I've really missed the style of the OpenGEU project.
So right as I'm coming to accept a more mundane approach to interacting with my computer (to be a bit overdramatic), along comes Bodhi Linux. What is Bodhi Linux? Well, I'd definitley recommend checking out the website [url]http://bodhilinux.com/[/url], but to put it simply, it seems like a continuation of what OpenGEU tried to do, but with a different philosophy and a bit more drive. So as OpenGEU rose and fell while Gnome and KDE were battling it out, so Bodhi Linux pops up to do the E17 thing as a lot of desktop Linux users are feeling stung by the loss of their Gnome 2.32, struggling to decide among KDE and Gnome 3 and Unity. But while there are always big fanatical factions running rampant all over the Linux landscape, their efforts are generally leveraged by lesser-knowns with their own vision and perspective. Substitute any software package for the desktop environments in this story, and it's the same deal--a lot of people doing the same thing with different approaches...and it all goes on in a way that looks a lot like natural selection.
I only hope that Bodhi keeps on going, even if it's slow and steady. The community benefits greatly from these projects that aim to do things a bit differently. My view of all the fragmentation has done a complete 360 in the past couple of years. It seems more and more like effort in Linux (whatever your pet project and whatever your contribution) is never wasted, and in the FOSS realm good ideas often go to sleep, but rarely die.
(26,549 posts)Back in the dark old days of 2.0 kernels, it was way too hard to get applications and get them to work on your system. Because invariably the people maintaining the software you wanted used a different flavor, and you'd have to tweak scripts or code to make it work on your flavor.
The standardization around debian packages or RPMs has made that much, much easier and I don't think there's many people who would want to go back to the old, "greater choice" way.
At the same time, the steaming pile of fetid garbage that is Unity demonstrates there needs to be _some_ choice. But you can make choices within a standard. Xfce, KDE, Gnome and Unity are all implementing XWindows.