I would like to be a host in this group. Any objections?
I'm an old open-source geek - Open Office (and Star Office before it) are our standards - Windows, Mac, and Linux - all totally compatible. I've installed a number of Linux versions including RedHat, Debian, and Ubuntu.

(15 posts)If you have the time to devote, which now a days thats hard to find and you want to volunteer. I like posting but I have too much on my plate to host, so I am willing to say yes to you Hosting.
My one big concern is that this place does not get to be full of flame wars on what Distro is best. There's merit in all of them. Whatever Distro works best for you. I welcome a volunteer thats really interested in open source discussion. Since the DU is determining which will groups stay, I want to make sure this group keeps going, and a Host would help DU decision about keep this group.
(47,675 posts)Thanks.
(33,224 posts)I'm willing to co-host if you think you need one.
(26,449 posts)Exactly how many groups have you asked to host?
It seems that I saw quite a few similar requests in many groups and I have to wonder about your bandwidth to deal with them all.
(47,675 posts)It means checking a lot of alerts, but I do that first when I get on and keep my eyes open for new mail. If a group gets to be too much, I'll simply resign from it, but that hasn't even come close to being the case yet.
(15 posts)Sounds good to me, thanks for replying on the Hosting question
(15 posts)I was just wondering your motivation for Hosting this group, and can you devote the time. I noticed you have asked to Host 5 groups. That's a lot. I realize that you may not get them all, but I think we should have a little more information on how if you got all five you could mange them all. You may have the time and the motivation to do a great job on them all. I am sure since you need approval from those signed to the group we might like to hear a bit about how you would manage it. I am not pulling any support, just would like to make sure you not going over your head if you end up hosting all those groups. I think that it would make me and the others more comfortable in saying yes.
(47,675 posts)Others are more inclined toward other time slots. That's why there are multiple hosts and so far it is working well. I've got four monitors and three keyboards in my main work area (on 3 different OSs) and if one's busy, I move around in the realms of the other two. I've worked with more machines at once, but I'm a little space limited right now. I'm only seeking to be a host in areas where I have experience and enjoyment. Lead host is not the goal - just A host.
(121,814 posts)I don't think the DU2 version generated any alerts during my recent three-month mod term
I have no objection to you serving as host