John Kerry
Related: About this forumNSA link has documents online for those defending Kerry's work on CIA drug running
The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 2
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Washington, D.C. An August, 1996, series in the San Jose Mercury News by reporter Gary Webb linked the origins of crack cocaine in California to the contras, a guerrilla force backed by the Reagan administration that attacked Nicaragua's Sandinista government during the 1980s. Webb's series, "The Dark Alliance," has been the subject of intense media debate, and has focused attention on a foreign policy drug scandal that leaves many questions unanswered.
This electronic briefing book is compiled from declassified documents obtained by the National Security Archive, including the notebooks kept by NSC aide and Iran-contra figure Oliver North, electronic mail messages written by high-ranking Reagan administration officials, memos detailing the contra war effort, and FBI and DEA reports. The documents demonstrate official knowledge of drug operations, and collaboration with and protection of known drug traffickers. Court and hearing transcripts are also included.

(60,153 posts)who can't believe that their government - even under Reagan, would have knowingly allowed drugs in to the country which absolutely destroyed parts of the inner cities.
Kerry's work took real courage and the willingness to lose his seat - as no one wanted to believe this. It is sad that even decades later, the men who were behind this - Oliver North, Eliott Abrahams and likely GHWB are treated as respected patriots - while they trashed Kerry's true patriotism (in this) and on Vietnam.
Like Beachmom and Mass hinted or said on different threads, it is interesting that Kerry, who has not ever been a bland centrist, was the ONLY Obama nominee who no one (other than the loony right) was questioning.
However, that might be changing as at least one article contrasted Kerry vs Clinton on financial issues - and suggested his was the greater problem. Remember tha FOREIGN governments and people were giving huge sums to Bill Clinton's Foundation and the donors were not public.
In contrast, as Kerry's office has answered hundreds of times - neither he or Teresa control the trusts they are beneficiaries of - and do not make decisions on holdings. The really annoying thing is that from Kerry's letter answering this last year, the holdings of the Heinz foundations were blind - until the Republicans demanded to know what was in them in 2004.
(114,019 posts)The thread is being defended by a number of DUers.
(27,315 posts)This is the Boston Globe being the Boston Globe and trying to be relevant. I have not seen it reported except by a media whore on the Atlantic and a far right paper. They know it is irrelevant and they know the answer.
However, the article is infuriating because it is pointless. Actually, there is a valid question of what they can do knowing this is not their personal wealth, but trust they benefit along with other people. The article would have been interesting if it had dealt with this. Instead, they went to solutions I could have found just by thinking.
What I'd like to hear, as well, is how it is not a problem for Hagel, who has also large investments.
I was thinking to the remark concerning how it was easier for Clinton: people have short memories. It was a mess. It seemed to take forever, and was leaked to the papers at each stage.
The Boston Globe being the Boston Globe.
(114,019 posts)Mass
(27,315 posts)It is silly to block it, but I think quite of few DUers nowadays have come to politics with president Obama and have no idea of anything happening before. Therefore, I suspect the person who blocked your thread does not know what Iran-Contra is.
(114,019 posts)In the appeal message I gave them all the links they would need and they still refused.
(27,315 posts)but I am sure quite a few of the newer DUers may know the name Iran-Contra, but do not know what it refers to aside from being a scandal linked to Reagan.
(60,153 posts)- including a public high school and a private high school.
(114,019 posts).
(60,153 posts)Congratulations for persuading them to do this, BLM. It is rather strange that they opted to lock it in the first place.
(114,019 posts)when they downplayed and ignored so many of the crucial details involved.