John Kerry
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(2,411 posts)*waves* (can't find emoticons in here!)
(60,153 posts)MBS
(9,688 posts)ProSense
(116,464 posts)ObamaKerryDem
(1,475 posts)YvonneCa
(10,117 posts) I think you have been quite busy lately. LOVE all your pictures! BTW, new hairstyle is classy...very professional, too.
(21,510 posts)Kind of like the new digs, but I have to get used to them.
(10,117 posts)...too. I'm a bit concerned about the privacy part of it.
Glad you are still here, though...hope you are having a good holiday season.
(60,153 posts)Last edited Mon Dec 12, 2011, 05:15 PM - Edit history (1)
Like you I need to get used to them. So, far there only 2 concerns I have. One is that we will use the search function on the stuff on old DU - and that will be a real loss. (You have no idea how often I went back to the thread you started in 2008 when you suggested we research the legislation behind the collapse of the economy. Most recently to dispute that Barney Frank never voted to regulate Feddie and Fannie)
The other is that combing GD and GDP might lead to something more like GD. There is, of course, the Obama group, but that will not serve the same purpose and is not a main forum.
I do think that only time will tell if these two things become problems. Of the two, I am more worried about the search of the old stuff as it is an incredible resource when trying to defend Democrats in other places.
edited to say that although I can't find something saying precisely what I would like, it appears that an advanced search function is being worked on and from some comments will handle the old stuff. If so, I'm happy.
(21,510 posts)It really and truly was. It was the most unfair and viscious attack on the middle-class that the Senate has done in a long time. We are still reeling from this piece of legislation. It never should have been passed, period.
Unfortunately, if Republicans gain control next year, this will look benevolent next to what they want to do next. These are truly scary times.
(60,153 posts)spoke for each of several amendments written to make the bankruptcy bill at least tolerable. His arguments tried everything from logic, a call for compassion and scripture against usury - and looked pained as each went down in flames. The sad thing is that Democrats from states where voting against it would be a tough vote likely did not listen to a word he said - and I would bet his arguments in private were likely stronger and more compelling than those on the floor. It was times like that that I completely understood why he was the Lion of the Senate. (It is also an example that some forget that sometimes even the best fighter fuighting hard does not win.
That also suggests how we get into the position we are in. No one with a heart should have been able to listen to the examples that Kennedy gave and work to defeat all his amendments - just so the credit card companies could profit more than they did. Yet there were not 41 Democrats willing to filibuster - though there were 45 Senators caucusing with the Democrats.
The toughest thing about where we are is that it is harder to buy what seemed more than naive optimism in 2008 that the government could do good, big things - and the Democrats would be able to create programs rather than just stopping bad things. It is scary that there is a possibility of a Republican President, House and Senate - though hopefully the intraparty warfare will have taken its toll on the candidate.
You don't know how happy I am that you're here.
This is wonderful!
(14,128 posts)Lots of getting use to.
(10,117 posts)...politicasista!