Joe Biden
Related: About this forumJoe Biden has Wife's Support for White House Bid "Sources"??? and it did come from from Chuck Todd, so I'd take it with a grain of salt.

(62,683 posts)no way was he going to run, that his family was against it, and now this conflicting "source".
They keep referring to Beau asking him on his death bed to run -- WHO said that? Joe? Jill? A REAL insider, or is this just something that's out there and picked up steam -- do you know? I haven't heard Joe mention that and the only person I've seen really speak to him about running (Colbert) didn't bring that up, either. So don't know if that's fact or fiction.
I have mixed feelings about him running, too. But IF Beau did make the request and if he runs and loses, at least he won't feel guilty for NOT doing it for Beau.
It just might help him heal, too -- who knows? I would HATE to see him lose again.
I'm getting off DU for now -- I've spent my time here today trying to counter the "Biden is the same as Hillary" statements. It's par for the course for Republicans to just believe what they hear, I thought Dems were smarter.
(9,688 posts)I really like Joe, and I really hope he runs.
(49,929 posts)Same old script, just change a few names and details!
I love Joe and hope he does what is best for him and his family!
(62,683 posts)Bernie IS different in ways we love, but they're not listening to Joe. But I'm not going to expend any more energy unless he decides to run -- I think it's human nature to look upon others as "all the same" and our choice as the "savior". And, I know some here hate it when I acknowledge this, but Joe HAS done some things that are just flat wrong and have hurt people. I think where we're different is that we take the time to understand what maybe influenced his decisions, others just see what he's done. If that makes any sense. Or I may be the only one who truly cringes at some of his past actions.
(49,929 posts)for some of the decisions he made than most people. Also, the world isn't black or white, there isn't always a "right" way to go. Having been in public life for so long, it is inevitable that some choices are going to be poor ones. Also some choices look far worse in hindsight. Unfortunately, in American politics the stress if too often on the negative and little focus on the positive.
I know now that many of the PRO-fill-in-the-blank people in past elections were just trolls trying to create dissent among Democrats. Many of them disappear when an election is over!
(49,929 posts)never sounded quite right to me. I can't see Beau saying that.
A lot of trolls out, so I am not paying any attention to anything that is intended to make us fight among ourselves. We went through this before and I'm a lot wiser now.
I find it interesting that Joe is finally getting the positive press he deserves, but at DU he is barely a footnote most of the time.
(62,683 posts)Even if he did, I don't think the Biden camp would have "leaked" it. And as we've observed, we've never heard JOE reference it, so...?
The only times Joe has gotten appreciation here is when he was chosen as VP. I don't know about the intervening years because I couldn't bear to come here.
The lessons I've learned, I hope, is that it's not a matter of life and death. That I can't make people care (not necessarily about Joe, but about the politics and our country's decline), and that regardless of who is elected and what transpires, we'll plod along somehow.
Kind of like giving up, but I can't seem to let it go completely.
(49,929 posts)"going with the flow", than "giving up". It certainly isn't the end of the world, if things don't go the way we want. I think the Bush years made us really desperate and anxious.
I haven't come here a lot either, but I can say that Joe is hardly ever mentioned when I do. Meanwhile, I've seen him on the news a lot lately, even if it is "crickets" over here.
(9,308 posts)and every lesson, it seems, teaches letting go
(40 posts)Biden was definitely going to run. If he is not sure he has the dedication to run, he definitely shouldn't run then.
(49,929 posts)he is considering this very carefully and I'm quite sure he won't run if he is not certain. Obviously we can't know what is going on in someone else's mind, but if he does declare he's running, I believe he will be focused and dedicated to the proposition.