Related: About this forumAnyone have advice on getting healthcare?
short of going to the ER I have no idea what to do. hell, I don't even have transportation.
I've had something going on in my throat for a while now and it doesn't seem to be improving. TBH I'm kind of scared
kinda gross picture of the situation
Edited because took me a while to figure out how to post the pic as a link instead of an image..

(2,925 posts)if they have a reduced rate for poorer people with no insurance. And a hospital near us has such a program,they go by your income of how much to charge,some families pay nothing .This is not made public,you have to make calls and find out. Hopefully you will have such programs near you. Good luck to you.
(454 posts)it is kind of rural here and I have a really hard time getting to any place that's farther than walking distance.
(2,925 posts)this may not be everywhere but I would try anyway,call every dr around just to ask. And maybe you can ask friends/family for rides or does your town have a comm. bus that picks up people for shopping and such? But look in the phone book and make inquiries to Drs and hospitals.The best of luck to you.-----
(4,243 posts)and eventually someone who knows someone will hook you up.
Start with hospitals, explain your situation and go from there.
(6,890 posts)I would go to the public health clinic. They gave me good primary care by a Nurse Practitoner and was charged based on your income. The price was reasonable and service excellent and was on a bus line. Hope this gives you some ideas.....
The State building made mistakes regarding my case and cancelled my insurence because of it. Now I've had to reapply and they've taken over a month and a half so far. Can't even go to the student dentist!
(20,453 posts)Indicating portions of the tongue and what likely is in connection to it. You also look to have an an inflamed throat.
Do you smoke? Drink coffee? Have stomach upsets?