This Is What We Are Up Against
Inslee reactivates military alliance to retain defense jobs
Jim Camden The Spokesman-Review
September 4, 2014
OLYMPIA Protecting the jobs and economic stimulus from the many military installations in Washington is a no-brainer, Gov. Jay Inslee said Wednesday as he resurrected a coalition of groups from around the state to prepare for any cuts in the nations defense budget.
The Washington Military Alliance which will have members from economic development offices, chambers of commerce and military installations will help protect defense jobs, contracts and infrastructure in the state. A 2012 study estimated about 136,000 jobs and some $15.7 billion in economic activity are tied to military bases around the state and billions more are tied to contracts the Defense Department has with businesses throughout Washington.
That study was done by the original alliance, which was set up by Inslees predecessor, Chris Gregoire, to prepare for a possible Base Realignment and Closure Commission. The Pentagon wanted a commission similar to ones in past years that forced Congress to close some bases, but earlier this year Congress rejected the idea. The original alliance disbanded after the study was completed, but Inslee said he was standing it back up with a long list of military and civilian participants from around the state.
This is what you might call a no-brainer, he said in a conference room filled with representatives from participating military and business organizations.

We The People have to kick in $50 billion dollars a year
for 10 years for Food Stamp cuts, unemployment insurance cuts, Social Services cuts, transportation cuts, etc., etc. etc.
This article is talking about the DoD coughing up their ANNUAL $50B cuts.
There is some good news:
But that's all the good news.