Apple cider vinergar works for weed control
Was bouncing around the internet and read a post by a lady who said she used full strength apple cider vinegar to kill weeds. She put the stuff in a spray bottle and hits each plant with a solid stream .
I have a crushed gravel walkway where dandelions, crab grass and such are growing in and as I had a gallon of apple cider vinegar here left by a relative of my ex wife's who stayed here for awhile plus a spray bottle, I thought I'd give it a try.
It works. Plus my walkway now has a nice apple cider vinegar smell to it. At least until it rains anyways.

(4,225 posts)Works really well too. I have been useing it for weed control for years. I have alot of wild animal feeders in my yard so I cannot spray weed killers or any toxic stuff out there.It would be a breech of trust.
(28,791 posts)seems to work best on a hot day, and you might have to repeat but it sure beats using chemicals
(3,747 posts)a couple of days ago. I'm waiting to see something. Is it quick? Or will it be a few days?
(38,991 posts)Electrominuette
(23 posts)I use coffee grinds for aphids and other bad bugs.
(38,991 posts)Electrominuette
(23 posts)Right now I have tomatos coming out my ears. I'm thinking of turning some of into booze rather than what it go off.