Bill to end horse slaughter and export
Support Bill to End Horse Slaughter & Export ..

..Written by Lindsay Pollard-Post
Posted 12-28-2011
Sparks flew recently after Congress restored funding for U.S. inspectors to oversee horse slaughter, opening the door for horses to be killed and butchered in the United States for the first time since 2006. But there is hope for a better bill: The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act of 2011 (S. 1176/H.R. 2966), which would outlaw horse slaughter in the U.S. as well as close the loophole that previously allowed horses to be sent on grueling journeys to slaughterhouses in Mexico and Canada, something that added approximately 230 extra miserable miles to their already miserable lot. Horses urgently need anyone and everyone you can enlistyour neighbors, friends, coworkers, and familyto actively support this act.
Each year, more than 130,000 frightened horses are trucked from the U.S. and killed in slaughterhouses in Canada and Mexico. After enduring hundreds of miles jostled about in cramped trucksoften in extreme temperatures without food or water, on slippery floors, their heads bent over from the low ceilings, being kicked and bitten by other horsesthey are shot in the head, are strung up by one leg, and have their throats cut.
The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act of 2011 would prohibit shipping, transporting, moving, delivering, receiving, possessing, purchasing, selling, or donating horses and other equines for human consumption. In other words, it would effectively end the use of U.S. horses for foodboth here and abroad!
I have problems with the way Peta handles its campaign sometimes, but I really hope the trafficking and human consumption of these beautiful creatures can be stopped---backtoblue