There's nothing better than a nice warm rabbit in your belly.
A live one, of course. Damn are they cuddly. Ours is 5 1/2 now and the two dogs and three cats love him. My 14 year old "big boy" grabs him by the neck and bathes him like a kitten. They sleep together, both purring. It's nice to pass out on the bed and wake up a few hours later with a rabbit and cat curled into you, both purring. I've never eaten rabbit, and I never will. They make me melt.

Still Blue in PDX
(1,999 posts)closeupready
(29,503 posts)In France. I liked it, as I recall.
(30,947 posts)I litter trained mine. It makes me ashamed that in my non-vegetarian days that I cooked and ate rabbit.
(47,675 posts)He litter trained himself. We call him a "he" even though he's a hermaphrodite (one penis, two vaginas). It really freaked out the vet.
(64,835 posts)I helped my father in law raise them to be eaten. That was a lifetime ago.
I've had two rescue bunnies here.
As I was, they may be. As I am, I hope they become.
(39,196 posts)Rhiannon12866
(229,712 posts)Though I do have two friends who have, and they were also litterbox trained. I'm surprised to learn that they get along with the cats, but I'm sitting here with a dog and two cats who all get along, since they were pretty much "brought up" together. I've never had a dog-cat problem, and I've mostly adopted senior animals. Thanks for the heartwarming story. I learn something new on DU every day.
(47,675 posts)Even when he was a kit just out of the nest he had no fear at all of our border collie. She's both afraid of him and fascinated by him. She'll sit outside his cage and stare at him for hours. He doesn't care. The sheltie grew up with him as "big brother". They're exactly a year apart in age - both born on the 4th of July (pure coincidence).
My wife has a rabbit in her kindergarten classroom that's probably about 10 lbs (ours is just over 2 lbs - runt). She's a naughty little thing. Her favorite past time (when she has run-around time) is to act innocent and sneak over somewhere to nibble on the corners of books. She even scooted around my wife during story time and started nibbling on the book she was READING at the time. The kids totally lost control laughing.
(25,586 posts)that roams the western USA - including wild rabbits - because that was dinner when I was a kid in Wyoming, and I had no choice. But even then I felt wrong when I looked into those lifeless, innocent eyes, and I'll never be responsible for such a thing as an adult. Ever.
(47,675 posts)I thought they were selling them as pets (fortunately), but at some point I realized that wasn't the REAL reason they were there.
I went vegetarian over 20 years ago. We don't even do seafood, but we will do eggs and dairy. I still wouldn't have eaten rabbit. It sort of reminds me of an old Bloom County where Binkley's dad takes him hunting and he screams "YOU'RE GOING TO KILL BAMBI!!!!"
They are great pets, but you have to get used to being scratched. Those rear legs are POWERFUL. He's never bitten anyone (fortunately), but he did give me a warning nip a few times when I was checking his teeth. He never broke the skin. I had a gerbil bite me in 6th grade and that was one of the nastiest wounds I've ever had. The little fucker just would NOT let go. He never did it again, but damn did that hurt.
Guy Montag
(126 posts)
(47,675 posts)