Dog slaughter and butchering banned from largest market in South Korea
A lot of progress has been made in shutting down the dog meat farms in South Korea one by one. Moving up to the markets is a big step.
Dog slaughter and butchering is being abolished at South Koreas largest dog meat market in a move being described by welfare campaigners as a step toward a nationwide ban. Slaughter facilities at Moran Market in Seongnam will be confiscated from its 22 dog meat dealers as early as next week. The legitimacy of the countrys dog meat industry is a grey area. It is simultaneously legalised, and illegalised, in two different pieces of South Korean law.
"Seongnam city took a big step toward changing the dog meat industry here, said Korean Animal Welfare Association official Jang In-young. But we will have to constantly monitor dog meat shops in the market to see if they really stop slaughtering dogs and change their business. The city government will also need to keep pushing the idea to ultimately ban the sales of dog meat here. (more, including an explanation of the legal status of dogs on South Korea, at the link)

Binkie The Clown
(7,911 posts)Dreamer3
(67 posts)Portland_Anni
(164 posts)peacebuzzard
(5,369 posts)This has bothered me for years. I know it still occurs behind the scenes but the more exposure to this cruelty the better.
I have even heard comments from insensitive people that the poor animals butchered in Asia were "different" dogs from the regular companion animals. How thoughtless.
And in our own part of the globe, Venezuela, it is a known fact that dogs were butchered for lack of food availability. Just plain criminal that the political regime in Venezuela refused aide from the world.
This post was received well.
Even if months after the op.
Somehow I missed this news. Thanks .....