Is It ‘Un-American’ to Avoid Meat? WWYD Tackles Vegan-Bashing
When a couple forces a hot dog on a young girl in a New Jersey restaurant, neighboring diners are confused and surprised; the girls mother had clearly said that the family does not eat meat, dairy or animal by-products.
Everyone eats hamburgers, its un-American not to eat meat, said the man, urging the girl to enjoy the hot dog.
So she gets no protein, added his companion.
Very interesting! Those Commie Pinko Vegans (I know people who think this, btw).

(11,304 posts)not a vegan and wouldn't want them to force me to eat it. People should not impose on each other like that.
Boudica the Lyoness
(2,899 posts)"In this case, the meat-eating duo and the vegan family actually are actors playing roles in a scenario for ABC News What Would You Do? filmed at the Mason Jar Grill, in Mahwah, N.J".
(25,200 posts)and we did this out in public, we called it "guerrilla theatre". Only it was one-shot performance art, no recording devices.
(28,318 posts)It's very interesting.
(25,200 posts)I figure it's like Jay Leno's "Jaywalking", the 80% of the people who know the answers to his questions will never be featured on the segment.
(12,336 posts)And as a loyal Iowan, I don't give a damn if a person eats meat or not. It is ridiculous and wrong for one person or group to force his/hers/ their beliefs and lifestyle onto anyone else.
I will say as a loyal Iowan, we grow lots of vegetables here too, so if you don't eat meat, get Iowa veggies.
(23,208 posts)supporting industries that contribute significantly to global warming, the destruction of our environment and the abuse of animals, consuming products that contain additives that disrupt natural body processes, cause cancer and diabetes and contribute to obesity and intimidating your fellow citizens... then maybe avoiding meat is "un-American"
sarcasm aside... many people spent too much time criticizing how I eat and trying to get me to eat differently... I am much healthier than they are now! Being American is respecting diversity and taking care of our land and people...
(6,086 posts)Last edited Sun Feb 12, 2012, 11:32 PM - Edit history (1)
if that little girl didn't want meat, I would have never forced her. I don't believe in it. UNAMERICAN?? What does that mean? There are good quality supplements to provide any extra vitamins she may need. ORGANICALLY derived too. I'm not a vegan but there's nothing wrong with living life that way if it works for you.
(13,062 posts)and I say that as the typical American addicted to meat.
(47,675 posts)It's the most recent entry:
(28,318 posts)Make sure she knows that!
(1,262 posts)There's a certain cowboy machismo associated with a hearty meat eater that is considered "American"