Foreign Affairs
Related: About this forumPutin Wants a Ceasefire... Ukraine Knows it is a Trap
Hey Pooty, the cease fire will come as soon as all Ruzzian troops withdraw from ALL of Ukraine and Ruzzia ceases all hostilities against Ukraine. Then we can talk about reparations and war crimes trials for all those babies, pregnant women, senior citizens and other innocent Ukrainian citizens you commanded your troops to slaughter.

(6,941 posts)blue-wave
(4,506 posts)Putin has lied so much he lost any integrity he might have ever had.
(65,540 posts)But he is just a thug mob boss who happens to have a lot of oil revenue.
The world finally sees this reality.
(14,035 posts)I suspect if Biden loses, he will withdraw any request for a ceasefire.
(65,540 posts)So Putin has nothing to lose. He can get a cease fire now, rebuild his troop strength and military weapons.
Purge the ineffective generals. Stall for time. If Biden wins Putin can resume the war in much
better shape.
(65,540 posts)I hope the US does not fall for Putin's lies and tricks with the cease fire gambit.
And I hope the US lets Ukraine start bombing Russian military targets.
(15,012 posts)Wonder Why
(5,247 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)along with the Ukrainian government that the best he can hope for is negotiating an orderly withdrawal of his forces from Ukrainian soil, all of it, every inch.
That way, he's got a chance of preserving what's left of his working class. If this year has proven anything, it's that his working class wasn't as expendable as the generals told him it was.
(35,357 posts)Demobrat
(10,068 posts)Thanks.
(1,031 posts)Sufficient supplies have reached Ukraine from the west to blunt the recent Russian offensive. Long a military axiom: soldiers win battles, logistics win wars. At the beginning of WW II, we supplied the Brits, at great cost, to keep them in the fight. Later on, we supplied the Soviets with vast supplies all kinds so that their soldiers could go out and die for Mother Russia.
Putin knows that the Russian army is a spent force. They can not even begin to replace their material losses. World sanctions, despite Chinese and North Korean attempts to counter the sanctions, are curtailing Russian ability to manufacture weapons. Sanctions are also taking a big bite out of oil revenue. The Russian oil industry is falling apart and the general economy is not far behind. Some of the other captive peoples are becoming restive. And, last but not least, Putin is restoring the old Russian tradition of arresting high ranking officers to cover the leaders failures. In short, it is a downhill spiral and Putin knows it.
Putin also now knows that NATO will continue to supply Ukraine with modern western weapons in ever larger quantities. His army can't compete. At this moment, Russia still occupies a large part of Ukraine, but that won't last much longer.
Putin must start the negotiations now, while he still has a few chips on his side of the table. The pendulum is swinging toward the Ukrainians and they know it. After what they have suffered, I don't think they are yet willing to cede any of Putin's ill gotten gains. Putin is in a very tough situation of his own creation.
I think the negotiation ploy is a tell. Putin would really like to keep things stable until November to see if his boy becomes president. He has doubts that he can wait that long, hence negotiations.
(4,506 posts)Great analysis of the situation.