Creative Speculation
Related: About this forumWe've all heard about subliminal messaging, right?
Subliminal messaging in advertising has almost certainly been honed to a fine art since the early days of placing suggestive shapes in the ice cubes of drink ads.
Given the terrifying increase in gun massacres, I wonder whether subliminal messaging is being implemented in a way that encourages people to buy and stock guns, particularly the semi-automatic kinds. And whether this messaging makes susceptible individuals believe that using those guns to slaughter others will solve their problems.
There have to be reasons why so many people suddenly are using guns to kill for the most baseless reasons. There are mass shootings in the U.S. nearly every day. Other countries - at least those at peace - don't experience even a tiny fraction of the civilian death toll we have.
I'm sure there are many factors involved, but I would not be surprised to learn that internet sites and perhaps some right wing news organizations run undetectable persuasive tactics to boost levels of hate, rage and willingness to kill. The purpose is to spread fear and chaos ahead of whatever factions hope to stage a takeover of our government.
Any thoughts?

(27,427 posts)The steady increase in using guns comes from things like movies, where people use guns to solve their problems, and the steady coverage of the shootings that do happen. The absolute refusal of gun apologists to consider limiting guns or gun ownership. Doesn't matter how many little kids are murdered in school, or concert goers at an outdoor venue, or a family gathered together to watch TV. They will never restrict guns.
No need for subliminal messaging. The messaging is overt.
(65,540 posts)The men in the US have gone crazy and out of control.
I guess the propaganda and validity of guns could do it.
But are we missing something?
I know subliminal messaging was very popular decades ago.
I actually knew someone who did these graphics for an advertising company.
(385 posts)poor quality food, crappy education, lack of really meaningful connections to others, unsatisfying jobs and the disposability of all things under capitalism, and the constant barrage of lies spewed daily can produce the madness we see all around.
(65,540 posts)Lead has lowed IQ.
As have other toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis.
Then yes poor education and relentless propaganda.
(49,131 posts)Internal strength eviscerated, taught to worship narcissistic leaders to the point of moral and financial bankruptcy, anger directed against demonized political opponents, guns as a solution to anger and insecurity, stir the rage daily with a talk show home fryer, and you have loose cannons ready to blaze on any given day.
The trauma bond is they're being flattered, protected, energized at the same time they're being used, exploited, denigrated, disrespected. They lose their minds to demi-gods hell bent on power and money. I wonder if these shooters feel on a gut level that they are only trying to do their part in the power grab.
(95,902 posts)For years, that fux is using it for certain. I suspect that FB uses it and probably others. Fux has used it to create the zombies that are the magats.
(2,105 posts)The message to have firearms as part of everyday life, a symbol, a display of power, or protection is only heard by those who want to believe it. People who have grown up around guns, having hunted for food, practiced on ranges, shot skeet, entered turkey shoots, and used rifles and guns as an activity with friends have left their weapons behind when they were no longer needed. It is difficult to believe that subliminal messaging could convince someone to act against their own true beliefs, and as others here state there is no need for subliminal messaging.
It is when everyone who is anyone in your inner circle of friends believe that bigger, faster, more powerful, and more numerous is good then you are a small fish in a big pond. Advertisers know this. Salespeople know this. This is what is seen and heard no matter how old or young. Be somebody. Dont be a sissy. Show the world that you have what it takes to squeeze the trigger and prove youre not afraid.
People who truly understand the responsibilities and risks of gun ownership may choose not to own or keep one for any variety of reasons bad luck included. Look no further than the shooting death on a movie set by what was supposed to be a prop gun. That message should have been strong enough to convince people that firearms are dangerous, but instead the ad hominem attacks captured the news cycles.
(21,004 posts)Remember directly after Columbine that the NRA decided to hold their convention not far away?
Im sure its part of their everyone needs their guns, especially now and we see this over and over. Shootings always are followed by a spike in purchases.
Captain Zero
(7,716 posts)in the month before they show up there is often a major mass shooting before their convention.
Before their convention hits town they always put up lots of billboards around the city of their convention touting second amendment shit. Then there is a shooting. Then their convention occurs, and BTW guns are not allowed at their convention.
Go Figure.
NRA Conventions:
2023 Indianapolis (completed)
2024 Dallas
2025 Georgia, couldn't find a city listed.