Working in a relatively rural area of California, I've had my troubles with some powerful homophobes at my employment, and near where I live.
I'll likely have to hastily pick up and move back closer to the bay area if Title 7 isn't amended. Damnit it's happened too damn many times, find a relatively nice, close to nature place with nice folks and a few old grumps, and eventually the grumps win and I lose, become jobless and homeless all over again because I fly the colors.
I won't be bullied into silence, regardless. But I won't risk my life and retirement if possible, either. I don't ever want to come home to "faggot" spray painted on my house again.
Fluck Frump, Fluck Kavadrunk, Fluck Bolsonaro, Fluck Pat Robertson, Fluck Pence and his "mother", Fluck a Dluck while I'm at it, Fluck this whole self-righteous, totalitarian, sanctimonious, two faced, dodgy, shoddy, dated, inquisitorial and shameful period of history I thought would be long outgrown by now. 
Okay. I'll be okay once the little yellow pill kicks in.