93% of Ghanaians can't stand same-sex relationships - Afrobarometer survey
93% of Ghanaians can't stand same-sex relationships Afrobarometer survey
An Afrobarometer survey by the Centre for Democratic Development (CDD) has found that even though the majority of Ghanaians are tolerant of ethnicities other than theirs, fewer than one in 10 (7%) are tolerant toward people in same-sex relationships.
Ghanaians, generally, tend to express more nationalistic than ethnic sentiments, and most think they are more united as a people than divided, the report concluded, adding: Although discrimination is not an uncommon occurrence, Ghanaians express high levels of tolerance toward foreigners and citizens from different ethnic groups or religious faiths, though they are highly intolerant toward people in same-sex relationships."
Intolerance toward people in same-sex relationships is pervasive across age groups, religious affiliations, and urban as well as rural locations. Citizens with no formal education are slightly less likely to express intolerance (88%) than their more educated counterparts (91%- 95%).