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This message was self-deleted by its author (Zenlitened) on Wed Dec 4, 2024, 02:37 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(14,722 posts)My kid is trans, and has been in NC for the last 2 years. They really love it, even if they get tormented a bit here and there.
Now, I fear the crazy MAGA Truck Gangs will now go out looking for trans people, minorities, etc and just do whatever they want...
I was married to a woman, now I have a target on my back as well. Even if we're no longer married...
I'm worried about taking any gay stickers off my car, etc.. because I live rurally and god knows what's gonna start happening...
Again, I am so sorry too... :hugs:
Response to FirstLight (Reply #1)
Zenlitened This message was self-deleted by its author.
(38,197 posts)Be who you are. And tell your kid to be who they are and be well.
It can be done. I'm in NC too. While it is tough here for our community, and I've been through horrible stuff, I'm still here and still me, whether the bigots like it or not.
The trick is to not let them win. They think they can change you. You have to outlast them. You have to be who you are whether they like it or not.
They don't pay your bills. They don't get to control your life. The biggest thing is don't let them in your head. They don't pay rent for that either.
Live your life and enjoy it despite them. That's what I've been doing. Since I started doing that, I've been much better off mentally. They mostly either accept me or leave me alone now.
(853 posts)Please hang in there, and let us know if we can help in any way. My heart is with you. Please take care.
(4,388 posts)It is a reality that has hit all of us on DU in the gut. I don't know how to move forward.
(38,197 posts)We had finally started making progress only to have our feet cut out from under us. Now, it is back to being blamed for everything wrong in America.
Trans people got the absolutely most unkind cut of all. To finally reach a point where they could be their true authentic selves and live full lives, and finally have dignified healthcare...only to have it all ripped away.
I think we should still be defiant and do the best we can to not let them totally destroy us.
They can never destroy our psyches if we don't let them. That, they can never touch, if we don't let them.
We have to constantly remind each other not to let the gaslighting eat into us. See the gaslighting for what it is and take time to sustain ourselves and counteract the effects of the gaslighting.
We might not feel like we have the strength, or energy to fight back right now, but in the time it takes for MAGA to finally become a bad memory, we can rest. Then we will have strength.
If we can't at least manage to remember that and hold onto that, it will at least preserve us to fight another day, when the time comes.
Now, it's back to biding our time again, until the political winds shift back. They will, in time. They always do. It's a cycle.
Trump can't last forever and none of the rest of MAGA will be able to keep them motivated. They will get complacent and lazy. Then, we come back fighting. We will be rested up to fight back with fresh perspective then.
We just have to outlast Trump and give MAGA time to collapse. And it will, because nothing is permanent.