We Heart: SNL's Tribute to the Feisty and Fed-Up "Women of Congress"
We Heart: SNLs Tribute to the Feisty and Fed-Up Women of Congress
The 2018 midterms welcomed a huge crop of feminist fresh(wo)men who ran as feminists, won as feminists and then stoodor, rather, dressedin solidarity with their feminist foremothers at the State of the Union last week, wearing suffragette white outfits adorned with ERA YES pins.

This weekend, Saturday Night Live paid homage to them the only way they know how. Once upon a time, there were women, a narrator announces at the beginning of the Women of Congress spoof on a seventies-styled television series. Then they became fed-up women. Then they became Congresswomen. The send-up of the fiery feminists of the 116th Congress also includes a nod to their historic diversity: They wear white, the narrator explains, but theyre not all whiteand we love that.
The narrator goes on to introduce several stars of the 116th Congress, endowing them along the way with hilarious, zeitgeist nicknames. First up is Nancy Madame Clap Back Pelosi, in a recurring role played by the hilarious Kate McKinnon, who is so woke she cant close her eyes. Shes followed by Alexandria I Say What I Meme Ocasio-Cortez, played by Melissa Villaseñor.
Leslie Jones as Maxine Dont Go Chasing Waters arguably steals the skit with her announcement for viewers: They call me Auntie Maxine, but Imma make Trump say uncle. Kyrsten Kooky Arizona Lady Sinema, played by Cecily Strong, tries her own hand at the same when she comes on screen, throws a poison dart into a clueless and nameless mans neck and boldly declares: Im bicameral, bipartisan and bi; deal with it. Ego Nwodim as Ilhan Get the Hi-Job Done Omar brags instead that when Ted Cruz sees her, he crosses the street. Anne Raise the Roof Kuster, played by Aidy Bryant, encourages fellow women to break that glass ceiling with her hands held high above her head.
Abigail Say My Name, Say My Name Spanberger, played by Heidi Gardner, bookends the introductions when she brings Pelosi back into the fold with a jab at Republican attempts to sink Democratic nominees by attacking the now-Speaker of the House on the campaign trail. And SNL musical guest Halsey ultimately closes out the ensemble act as Rashida Impeach the Motherf**er Tlaib. (You can guess her sassy introduction line.)
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Were crossing our fingers that this series gets renewed for another season.