Women's Rights & Issues
Related: About this forumFamily Research Council actively advocates for women to die.
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/9/12/2122506/-Family-Research-Council-actively-advocates-for-women-to-dieFamily Research Council actively advocates for women to die.
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Monday September 12, 2022 · 7:42 PM EDT
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Earlier today, one of the biggest lobbying outfits in Washington- the Family Research Council, which has provided model legislation and fiscal and logistical support to politicians across the country, issued a statement- which I will not be linking to- stating that "Abortion is never necessary to save the life of a mother."
This is so dangerously false, I am outraged that the social media platforms it was posted on didn't immediately delete that statement, nor- as I write this- have they yet.
I'm an emergency department nurse. Emergency departments provide a staggering amount of OB/GYN care to patients who are unable to seek primary care services, which, I'm sure I don't have to remind people here, is a serious problem in our country. And if you have an ectopic pregnancy- which are 2% of all pregnancies!- or your water breaks at 16 weeks, or you have a septic uterus, you will end up in the ER, preferably sooner rather than later, because the longer we wait, the more likely the patient is to die.
Well, hold on, because I want to be stunningly clear here: that's the only option. If you have an ectopic pregnancy, you either get an abortion, or you die. There is no other option. There is no alternative. If you are reading this post, you know multiple people who had ectopic pregnancies, who would now be dead had they not sought treatment.
And these conditions can deteriorate fast. With an ectopic pregnancy, you can go from mild discomfort to rolling on the floor, screaming in pain and minutes from death, incredibly rapidly. Again, because we see so many people who are unable to access primary care services, we see that first hand in the ER. Someone who could call their OBGYN and get a prescription called in the same day... if they HAD an OBGYN, or had insurance for one, or could get in to be seen by one... decides to "tough it out a belly ache" instead. Or goes to a Crisis Pregnancy Center and is told their symptoms are "normal". Or thinks they just have a kidney or gall stone.
Regardless, they'll end up in our ER... or they'll end up dead. Until very recently, the most blood I've ever had to give a patient in the ER was on a patient with a ruptured ectopic. Watching blood come out of a patient faster than you can infuse it, to the point where you're grabbing the bag of blood and squeezing it with your hands as hard as you can to try and desperately save that patient's life, is something you don't forget.
Anyone who suggests otherwise is living in a fantasy world, where a woman's well-being is less of a concern to them than how much control they have over a woman's body- and they want to force you, my daughter, all of us to life in that same world.
And I damn well will not stand for it.

Heather MC
(8,084 posts)

They need to SHUT TF Up
(8,591 posts)had not survived her ectopic pregnancy when she was 16. She almost died. She lost a tube and ovary and lived to have 5 children whether she wanted them or not. I was her fourth. She died a year ago tomorrow at age 88 and I miss her terribly. That was before abortion was legalized because it wasnt an abortion per se, it was emergency surgery for a ruptured tube.
(7,930 posts)So naturally, they are the ones who make these ridiculous statements about the female anatomy and reproductive system and write and pass idiotic laws in an attempt to regulate them.
(12,312 posts)If an ectopic pregnancy is terminated to save a mother's life, they refuse to call that an abortion. They call it a "separation."
(17,600 posts)Several older children at home. Pregnancy complicated by fetal hydrops. Already a poor prognosis for survival. At 22 weeks, the patient began exhibiting mirror syndrome. The pregnancy was literally killing her. She was Catholic. After a long consultation and hours of time for her to wrap her head around their quite sad situation, she consented to the abortion.
Her living children and husband deserve to have her in their lives.
(11,692 posts)That's evangelical Christians talking about controlling your womb. Your mother's life, your daughters's future, your sister's rights, your wife's life are currently controlled by this Evangelical Christian group.
They think they have it all figured out what their imaginary god wants. And they are going to force their mombojumb, pseudoscience mythology on every woman in America.
And Then, They are going to Take Away your Birth Control and force you to marry who they pick for you. Because you can't really control the world without ruining love too.
This is religion folks. This is how it abuses everyone.
(1,982 posts)They just don't.
The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)Calling them names just does not seem to equal the horror.
I am depending on the media like never before. You must do your job!
(3,032 posts)TreasonousBastard
(43,049 posts)I know that's bullshit!
What really worries me is that there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will buy the abortion comment. And with relief, because they always hoped it was true, but couldn't prove it.
(122,587 posts)for women in thatvstatement is mind-boggling. I started hearing about them many 6ears ago when they were headquartered here. They have gotten for more ugly and dangerous. I am not surprised about their hate designation by SPLC.