Related: About this forum"Walking While Fat and Female – Or, Why I Don’t Care Not All Men are Like That"
Courtney Meaker:
I started walking between 5 and 12 miles a day about year after I moved to Seattle. The main motivator was a crippling anxiety about being late coupled with an inconsistent public transportation system (that will now become less consistent, yippee). Additionally, working in an industry with late nights (I house manage for various theaters) means that if youre reliant on public transit, you will be waiting for an hour at a scary bus stop with Mr. and Mrs. Meth Addict at 1:30 in the morning. Walking became a way for me to take control of my commute. It was my time. Four mile walk to work. Four mile walk back. In the rain. In the dark. In the cold. Every season. Sometimes with tunes. Sometimes with Stuff You Missed in History Class. Sometimes talking to myself. And sometimes with silence.
When I moved to Seattle I weighed 260 pounds. Because I walk so much (and lead a pretty active life here) I now hover between 175 and 190 depending on the the time of year. And Im fucking strong. I run several times a week and Im training for my first triathlon. But Im still fat. And Im good with that.
I never started walking places to lose weight. I started walking because I like to walk and because it was a chance for me to have my time before and after a stressful day. It was a chance for me to explore the city and see it in a way that people driving past wouldnt ever be able to. Walking became a lot more than just my time though. Its how I started writing again. Being in my head with time just for me to talk out an idea, or listen to character voices jump-started my imagination after a few years of feeling lost.
So, why not walk?
According to a number of men who seem to come crawling out of their hidey hole around this time of year heres why:
Im a woman.
Im fat.
Im sexy.
Im a cunt.
I need a man.
Im walking.
Im walking with another woman.
I have tits.
More at the link:

(51,907 posts)We weigh less and are healthier but are still fat. On a bike I think it's worse--lazy jackasses in their cars yelling at you for ecologically superior transportation. I regret that I don't always have the time to use my bike as transportation.
(23,156 posts)She's shed a good quarter to more than thirty percent of her original weight. I don't know what she looks like, but she's amazing.
And she's right to ignore the idiots who tell her not to walk.
I used to take the public bus in the Washington DC area. They were very reliable, but I often got off work after midnight, and periodically grown men would tell me I shouldn't be taking the bus that late. Huh! I couldn't afford a car -- actually more to the point I didn't want the burdensome cost of car ownership -- and I was quite safe and happy riding the bus, thank you very much.
(9,126 posts)When did it become ok to yell nasty things at anyone, anytime? Why is there so much hate?
(54,505 posts)Last edited Tue May 13, 2014, 07:14 AM - Edit history (1)
(34,582 posts)Because it makes people who don't feel good about themselves feel superior.
(9,126 posts)But it does seem as if the rules of decorum have broken down quite a bit. Funnily enough, I live and have always lived in large cities and rarely get heckled. In LA, it's more worrying about being hit as I walk a lot. I never cross when a luxury car is coming because they will plow you over, especially BMWs and most especially white ones.
I do agree about the self hatred just boiling over in this country. It's palpable. I really don't see this kind of rage when I travel.
Gormy Cuss
(30,884 posts)That was when my breasts developed and that was a long time ago.
I took public transportation too and can relate to her experiences. I also walked alone or with another woman at night which apparently made me a easy target. Unlike the author I did confront the idiots frequently. Still do on occasion, although not very often.
Too many emboldened crazies out there.
(9,126 posts)when people make light of women saying they feel unsafe. Uh, just walking down the street, you get verbally assaulted, so why would anyone feel safe?
(47,996 posts)but glad the author doesn't let it stop her from walking. You go girl
(529 posts)I'm blind in one eye and a little blind in the other, so while I can still read (with glasses) I cannot drive and I live in a small town with very little public transportation. Other than bumming rides from friends/family, the only choice I really have is to walk. The random catcalls and sexual street harassment got so bad that even with my bad vision I still wear headphones so I don't have to hear it.
And I've heard it all. "You shouldn't be walking alone wearing those shorts!", "nice t!ts", "come here, I just want to talk to you" and when I just waved him off, that was followed by "you bitch, you think you're too good for this!". I didn't turn to look, but I heard the sound of a zipper being undone so I'm pretty sure he tried to flash me.
Since I've been wearing headphones I don't hear it as much, but I still get the honking bullshit and the occasional bottle thrown at me. WTF is wrong with these dudes!? I want them to just fuck off and leave me, and every women, alone. It happens to all of us and its why I've been carrying mace since I was 18 and a pocket knife since I was 14. But that little knife is a different story...(sigh).
Arugula Latte
(50,566 posts)That is awful.
I don't get how people can treat other people like this. It's like they blame all women for the fact that they're not happy with themselves.
(529 posts)I don't know why they do it, either. It usually happens when I completely ignore their cat-calls and come-ons. It's surprising how quickly the wolf whistles turn into threats.