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(3,450 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)tecelote
(5,141 posts)I'll vote for Carter. The most humanitarian president ever.
(21,363 posts)raouldukelives
(5,178 posts)SomeGuyInEagan
(1,515 posts)Wonderful human being.
(22,666 posts)human being. And a very wise man, regardless how much the psychopathic right lambasted him.
(85,357 posts)close. They can't touch Jimmy Carter. He stands - no. He TOWERS so far above these pipsqueaks, MILES above them, in stature that they'll never reach even a few feet up. They'll get nose-bleeds after the first few inches.
(1,965 posts)I wish I still had an unopened 6 pack of Billy Beer!
Some asshole drank it at a party at my house. WARM! I know some beers are good warm, but I don't think Billy is among them.
Back to Jimmy, here's another guy that inherited a shitty state of the union. He deserves a lot more credit then he gets!
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)BobbyBoring
(1,965 posts)It tasted like it could!
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,791 posts)I pulled tabs for an hour today. I like danger and making noise.
*witch laugh*
I am fun at parties too.
(26,791 posts)Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)I was hoping "tabs" was a metaphor.
(26,791 posts)Dangerous dance leads to freak accident. Woman found dead?? What a way to go.
(26,791 posts)Name of dance responsible.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)
(39,196 posts)but the adults would do a secret Santa where you get to choose a new gift from the pile or you can 'steal' someone else's gift. I brought a case of Billy Beer & it was the most 'stolen' gift that year. We laughed so hard. It was one of the best times.
Love Jimmy Carter.
(11,841 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,791 posts)PumpkinAle
(1,210 posts)to sit at my table for dinner!
(51,311 posts)And it is only for his years that my soon-to-be-90-year-old mother has any money, because of CD rates then.
(26,791 posts)niyad
(122,587 posts)rickyhall
(4,915 posts)Cartoonist
(7,579 posts)Doing the former is not what religion is about in the first place. The bible blames it all on Eve. How do you interpret that?
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Cartoonist
(7,579 posts)That would mean you would have to agree with the charge of guilt in the first place. I suppose I could forgive the writer of Genesis, but women don't have to answer for what the Bible says.
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)Uncle Joe
(60,966 posts)Thanks for the thread, japple.
(26,791 posts)
Uncle Joe
(60,966 posts)
(10,453 posts)Roslyn Carter's grandson, Jason, for Governor of Georgia and (added bonus) for Michelle Nunn (daugher of Sam Nunn) for State Senator to fill the seat being vacated by Saxby (bleath) Chambliss. I voted for both in the primaries and cannot wait to cast my ballot for these two in our general election. Georgia is on the road to success with Jason and Michelle on our side.
(3,163 posts)But he was a product of his generation and, given the times, less racist than most white men from Georgia. He remains one of the finest legislators our nation has ever known, and I have always wanted him to run for president so that I could vote for him. What the hell, vote? I would campaign for him.
As to Jimmy Carter, I have never known of a man with greater courage and higher ethical standards.
(10,453 posts)thoughtful, fair and a champion of the downtrodden. Do you have any sources for your claims of her father's racism?
(3,163 posts)I was living in Georgia (Atlanta) when he was a Senator, and I listened to probably 500 of his speeches and followed his voting record in the Senate quite carefully. I've been gone from Georgia for many years and know nothing of his daughter.
(32,324 posts)TNNurse
(7,264 posts)I am a native Georgian but have not lived there in years. I live in TN and wanted to move south to vote for them or north to KY to vote for Allison Grimes to beat McConnell. I stayed here, little problem with long term job and health issues.
(10,453 posts)a room out to you!!! Hahahah!
(7,264 posts)But thanks for the offer.
(10,453 posts)time I assume that someone might recognize sarcasm in one of my posts. Never again.
(12,151 posts)Some of the "subjugation" part is actually in those "holy teachings," as we know. Yet religious leaders manage to interpret their way around a lot of the other bad ideas when they see fit. The choice they keep making is to keep misogynistic ideas on the playlist even after things things like, say, slavery and infanticide have been, if only tacitly, recognized as unacceptable.
(5,276 posts)He also would have been a 2 term president, very likely, minus the "October Surprise" orchestrated by Reagan's people. That shenanigan mirrors what Nixon did to LBJ with Vietnam. Then you look at Dubya who was installed, not elected - so that leaves Poppy Bush but he rode Reagan's coattails. So, as Thom Hartmann was talking about the other day, the last legit republican president, who actually won and won fair and square, was Eisenhower.
The Reagan and Nixon machinations seem quite like treason to me.
(11,895 posts)I have maintained for years that Jimmy Carter is as good a MAN as has ever been President. If he had had the political acumen of Clinton, he might still be President. *L*
(26,791 posts)JDPriestly
(57,936 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,791 posts)Truth to Power.
Love, Peace and Shelter. littlemissmartypants
(26,791 posts)If only we knew his moniker.
(26,791 posts)americannightmare
(322 posts)and rejected Reagan - who knows?
(50,983 posts)There were not enough of us.
(65,820 posts)Enthusiast
(50,983 posts)He was fairly popular at his peak, not really a true Republican. I believe he would think today's Republicans have completely lost their minds.
(1,515 posts)noiretextatique
(27,275 posts)and voted for him. i did not.
(1,406 posts)To Tip O'Neill he would have been re-elected.
"The political faultline between northern and southern Democrats was revealed time and again as the White House and Congress tried to come together over the federal budget. Carter, a fiscal conservative at heart, was determined to lead the fight against inflation by cutting government spending. "And across the table is Tip O'Neill," according to John Farrell, "the quintessential New Deal Democrat -- unrepentant, un-reconstructed, and determined to follow the [Franklin D.] Roosevelt philosophy of tax and tax, spend and spend, elect and elect... and basically standing for much of what Jimmy Carter had come to Washington to change."
(322 posts)wanted to continue their profligate consumption, no matter the cost, and even if they agreed with Carter regarding the philosophical/spiritual aspect of the problem. Sure, one may have voted for Carter, but one wasn't likely to change one's ways, as it were. Virtually no one wanted to hear about conservation and finding meaning and purpose in one's life beyond consumption, even if one agreed on a fundamental level. It could be argued that this is the ultimate paradox of modern human existence.
(50,983 posts)Thank you Mr. President! Thank you for sharing a brilliant observation.
(11,259 posts)A man way too good for Washington.
stage left
(3,050 posts)He walks the talk. He should have been re-elected. He should have been listened to regarding energy conservation and the environment. Instead we were inflicted with Reagan.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)4Q2u2
(1,406 posts)Southern Baptist that we all know and love.
Staunch fiscal conservative and balance budget lover that is the Hallmark of the Democratic party.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)4Q2u2
(1,406 posts)A major deregulation proponent he started with the airlines and trucking industry. Subsequently destroying those Unions.
He was a Fiscal Conservative intent on balancing the budget even at the cost of social programs.
As President told unmarried staff not to "live in Sin".
In the summer of 1979, inflation rose to 14 percent. In response, Carter cut the budgets of social programs, leading to criticism from African American leaders and members of the "traditional FDR coalition
"An earlier version of this story said that Obama was the first Democratic president to propose cuts to Social Security. A proposal from President Jimmy Carter in 1977 proposed indexing changes that effectively cut benefits for future retirees.
Right. Carter not only changed the index, he proposed doing so in a way that reduced benefits more than chained-CPI would. Carter also scaled back eligibility rules for Social Securitys disability insurance."
"The broad outlines of Mr. Reagan's budget policy accelerated a trend begun in the final 18 months of the Carter Administration. After two decades of expanded social programs, President Carter faced mounting inflation and deepening deficits that forced him to abandon the unfinished business of the Democratic agenda: programs that would guarantee income, provide national health insurance and mammoth aid to education." NY Times 1988
I am not quite sure how Bush was worked into this unless you are accusing me as a supporter of his. Automatic assumption that a low post count equals Busher?
This is more of my type of Democrat
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Democrats that bowed down to the wishes of George Bush, lower on the goodness scale than Carter.
That was too much to see. Where are the Giants to stand watch for the poor and needy.
Arugula Latte
(50,566 posts)Religion and misogyny -- what a pair.
Gormy Cuss
(30,884 posts)Response to japple (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(14,023 posts)
(9,298 posts)wasn't able to finish in office, he has more than made up as a private citizen. Habitat for Humanity and his work in ending disease and poverty is legendary. Oh yes, and there's his peace efforts in the Middle East. We were lucky to have him and Roslyn, both. Classy, smart people.
(20,453 posts)THIS!