Related: About this forumPA Liquor Control Pulls Ad Blaming Women for Getting Dape Raped. (Graphic content.)
That image is pretty horrific. So is the rest of the story. That being posted, at least they still...pulled it? Won't undo the damage done, though.

(110,159 posts)into our society. not to mention, blame the victim. titillate the viewer..
(29,135 posts)Sexualization. Of course. That is despicable.
(110,159 posts)rape as entertainment for all. we are told that it is just showing reality and must be graphic, explicit in order to feel the emotions of the victim. yet i have seen no entertainment rape of man on man. scene that last long for titillation purposes and allowing men in the audience feel the uncomfortable horror of male rape. nor do we see graphic, explicit child rape.
the only rape we must view as gruesomely and explicitly as media can create, is the rape of women.
(38,549 posts)would be a picture of an ordinary-looking woman with really bad hair puking in a toilet the morning after. Not some perfectly hair-free model with her long perfect legs artfully arranged and her perfect "panties" (a word I detest) perfectly stretched across her perfectly manicured feet, in the same faceless way as any porn image.
Meanwhile, though, there does have to be some non-blamiing way to enhance women's ability and desire to protect themselves. So much of what needs to be done is so deep and wide, and so part and parcel of the whole big ball of wax problem -- women assigning value to themselves only as sexual, women as pleasers, etc. etc. (to mention only how women themselves need to change, and women do need to change) -- that it's hard to know where to start.
It's like gun violence and crime in a way though, or any other big social problem. Yes, there are the "root causes" and the things that have to be done about them -- social inequality, when it comes to crime, and women's inequality, when it comes to sexual violence. But can nothing be done by way of harm reduction in the meantime? Restrict access to firearms, you'll reduce the incidence of gun violence. Persuade women to stop drinking themselves stupid, you'll reduce the incidence of date rape. Not all date rape, and it won't get women equal pay, but it might mean fewer women get sexually assaulted by men they know.
A collage of the faces of victims, women of all appearances, and the faces of the men who attacked them (or reasonable facsimiles of both, you know), nice ordinary non-bogeymen looking guys, you know, might have more actual effect. She trusted him; he raped her. Trust your instincts: if he makes you nervous, don't put yourself at risk. And don't get so drunk you can't hear your instincts or act on them when you have to.
(110,159 posts)and this one girl so fuckin wasted, playing with the guys. i asked her if she feels any sense of responsibility being there for the girls (she doesnt drink, at parties anyway, cause she doesnt like how she behaves) that drink themselves to oblivion. she said yes and told me about a previous party, her and a guy friend, pulling hte girl from the party and taking her home. she also told me, at these universities, there is a group that advocates the protection of the students in these environments and are there to ensure safety, the best they can.
so it appears the message is getting out
but you can bet your ass i talked to my niece about her responsibility in her drinking to protect herself with the clear message, it should not be and it is. i dont ever want her to be in that situation. keep a buddy around and be aware.
how you describe the picture is exactly what i pulled from it and why i see it as a porn type image. i am going to use your paragraph elsewhere, if you dont mind, with a poster that does not get it.
(39,196 posts)You make an excellent point.
Our culture is a cesspool. People who aren't educated or aware or exposed to more correct ways of thinking, how can they possibly raise decent human beings? How can we rise above this perverted society we've created? It seems it's just spiraling in a downward direction.