Related: About this forumI am going to be a temporary co-Host in the Group
Hi Everyone.
Last night, I saw Neoma's post saying she wanted a co-Host. I sent her a PM and offered to help her out until she had a plan figured out for going forward. She accepted my offer so... For the next little while I will be here to help up-hold the SoP for the Group. Once she is comfortable with annonucing the going forward process, I will be removed as co-Host.
Thanks! Joe

(13,867 posts)Things will simmer down...I think all the media trash talk regarding contraceptives and belittling women has increased one's anxiety in general. This too shall pass.
(5,649 posts)I may have offered, but was concerned that I looked too partisan for that. (I do not want to be a permanent host)
(2,323 posts)Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)Also, I heard there was a bug with that... I am unsure if it has been fixed.
(17,208 posts)
(65,616 posts)I won't be in this forum for long...I see it was upsurped by the exact people that wanted it to be.
Have fun with this group...I won't.
I think I'll go over and host the Men's Forum.
(20,234 posts)Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)I am almost 50, I have considered many wrong things in my life. I wish I had never had a bad thought but that is not the case. If you keep searching, you will also find that I voted for Reagan in the first election I voted in. I also used to make use of a word that some consider offensive, I stopped when I was alerted to the fact. I am not perfect, nor do I claim to be.
(20,234 posts)because that was decades ago. I'm more concerned that the post was so recent and showed no acknowledgment of anything wrong with buying women except that they charge so darn much. The time frame reminds me of an email from my dad regarding Ron Paul's newsletters: "you can't really hold him responsible for stuff printed in his own newsletters, years ago, back when he was a callow youth aged 55 or so.
Well, anyway, I do appreciate that you aren't defending the practice in this post. (I sincerely mean that.)
(65,616 posts)nt.
(4,524 posts)I don't really care who the host is. Just tired of these threads. All of you go to your rooms!
(17,208 posts)and I mean ALL have the opportunity to voice whom we'd like to host co-host this forum.
I'm glad you don't care, but some of us do and until this heavy handedness stops there will be no "getting along".
Lisa D
(1,532 posts)We should ALL have the opportunity to voice whom we'd like to host and co-host this forum. However, the "election" that was started to unseat Neoma was not going to allow ALL of the votes to count. When the election was almost over, it was revealed that only votes of the "regular" posters would count.
What constitues a "regular" poster was never actually defined, but it did include posters who were not members of the group. And, apparently, some subscribed members of this group were not considered "regular" posters. So, I'm afraid Neoma hasn't been the only heavy-handed one around here.
(148,652 posts)
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)I saw Neoma had posted this:
"On another note, I am in need a new co-host. (I'm choosing one at a time for the moment.) A person has to sleep, and eat, and use the bathroom...(Something I really couldn't do this week. I lost 11 pounds.) So I need someone to watch when I'm away. I am going to be choosing very carefully and it might take a little time. I definitely don't want to rush this process. (I don't think anybody can blame me for that.) If you want to look forward to a brighter Feminist forum every day. Please PM me."
Last night. It appeared to me that I could help her on a temporary basis, with the SoP being upheld my only concern while she determined the next step. I do not have and will not have any input into what that will be. I can easily be removed when it is determined without any hard feelings or renewed issues in the Group. I made the offer and she accepted. I will be removed before very long and my sincerest hope is that the Group goes forward in harmony.
(148,652 posts)This is the Feminists group, after all. Had I been offered a co-host position in this group, and it's a group that I share a lot of beliefs with, I would have simply said no. I would not put myself in any position where I would make any decisions regarding anything about this group. I am not a woman. That means that there are, no doubt, issues I do not and cannot understand.
I'm just saying that it seems more than just a little off for the group. I could be wrong, I suppose, and it's not my call in any way.
(14,040 posts)I don't think most feminists would have an issue with a male as co-host. I think the issue is who this particular male is. No offense meant Ohio Joe. I know people change and you appear to be quite sincere but that just isn't going to go over well with some of the folks who frequent the group.
(148,652 posts)I'm bowing out of any further input into this.
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)To me it seems a bit simple. A post either meets SoP or it does not, I will not be making any decisions beyond that. Some will be un-happy that an outsider is a co-Host, I can understand that but it looks like things are pretty much staying on topic now so I expect I will have little to no impact, just another set of eyes on OP's for a bit and then I'm gone.
(148,652 posts)It's just that, given all that has happened in the past few days, it just has an odd feel to it.
(6,507 posts)you have made valid points. Thanks again.
(20,600 posts)that the feminists group gets a male co-host, and with no input from the members. I have been a supporter of Neoma so far, but this is a little hard to swallow. I'm speaking as a total outsider of course. What does sound promising is apparently it is a temporary measure and Neoma has some plan to move forward with some yet unnamed process.
(21,642 posts)and Ohio Joe's gender was irrelevant. It's kind of hypocritical to want women to not be judged inferior because of their gender and then turn around and question having a male co-host. During the past ten weeks, I've found Ohio Joe to be one of the calmest and fairest hosts we have on DU, and I expect he'll do a good job here, as well.
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)Or not. But I'm sure she'll appreciate the talking points.
you noticed that eh?
funny how her novels sure have a different written tone than her regular posts....
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)I'm sure of it.
(2,323 posts)With no imput from the forum and it appears as if only one of them has been active in this forum.
(14,860 posts)This group is Neoma's to do with as she pleases and she is accountable to no one.
I wonder when Lumberjack Jeff will be made a co-host.
(65,716 posts)Maybe I have misunderstood, but I was under the impression that you identify as a man. Am I wrong?
(14,860 posts)I like to make the distinction between sex and gender since the two don't exactly line up for me.
(56,124 posts)shouldn't this be locked, as it is discussion about hosting the group and its organization?
Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)At least through the weekend I would think, then un-pin/lock it.
just a snarky observation - easy pickings it seems - sorry about that
I'm sucked in to my slight embarrassment, although I am sincere in eyeballing bullshit and pointing it out so I will be reading this group more than before (which was essentially never)
(57,272 posts)I find you to be a wise choice to help out.
Thanks for taking the time to help Neoma with this.
(39,196 posts)
(29,047 posts)This is just to keep trolls in check until things are worked out. I am acutely aware I have not been voted in, and I just want to help keep out obvious disruptors for a short while.
(110,159 posts)got it.
(29,047 posts)You're right, Ohio Joe and I are just temporary muscle. The Feminists board attracts trolls, and we want to help keep it safe.
You think women should get a choice or something?
This is getting fucking eerie around here.
(39,196 posts)then you'll be ok with it.
(110,159 posts)and no, it didnt make me "ok" with it. kinda gave a shiver of creepy.
(39,196 posts)I'll do it now.
And add this:
(135,060 posts)You have an excellent record in regards to Feminism.
(29,047 posts)Remember Me
(1,532 posts)

Ohio Joe
(21,894 posts)I'm glad to know you are here.
(29,047 posts)kdmorris
(5,649 posts)I appreciate a you stepping up to the plate, even if temporarily.
(65,716 posts)I see that Neoma and our male co-hosts are being criticized. In the interest of full disclosure, I want to mention that Neoma asked me to be a co-host (I'm a woman) and I declined.
I appreciate you, the other co-hosts, and Neoma for agreeing to help lead this group into better times. Thank you!
(9,766 posts)Also ZombieHoard
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)on order from high?
I do have to say: you do it well.
I also have to say I sure as hell wish I'd never read The Handmaiden's Tale.