Related: About this forumWhy are RWers embracing bunk "natural cures"?
Used to be that natural cure promoters, ya know the people who promote extracts of God knows whatever in place of scientifically proven medicine, used to be the exclusive domain of hippie new age holdovers on the left. But more and more, the radical right is promoting this bullshit.
Some of it can be traced to the hatred of experts that permeates large segments of the right. Theres a certain population, especially in rural America, that would do the exact opposite of what anyone with an education level above 10th grade suggested, purely out of spite.
And a lot of it has to do with the various conspiracy websites promoting theories about pharmaceutical companies being out to kill us as part of some drawn out plan of genocide.
But these people hated hippies for 50 years. Suddenly, theyre besties? This seems to have started around the time of the Tea Party revolution. Which makes me think theres more going on here.
Permit me to indulge in my own theory for a minute. The Holy Grail of Tea Partiers is gutting Medicaid/Medicare entirely. But this is not popular among civilized folks.
But in the last couple Medicaid fights, I noticed something. Right-wingers were telling worried disabled people to just try natural cures. A lot of disabled people, myself included, had anti-Medicaid family members telling us to try these bunk alternative medicines instead of fighting to keep our access to actual treatments
Worried about losing epilepsy meds? Smoke pot (even if it would violate your lease). Cancer? Try goji berries. Mental illness? Fresh air!
Why? Im thinking they increasingly want to push these bunk alternative medicine treatments to make themselves feel better about fighting to deny medical treatments to their disabled family members. If they fight to take away their cousin's epilepsy meds and they don't go along with smoking pot as an alternative, it's their fault if they die.
Kinda like separate but equal. Ableds can have actual medicine while the disabled and poor can go with alternative medicine (even if it is overpriced bullshit)
(16,544 posts)1. Because science is something for libruls and elites.
2. They don't trust science. You can bribe and bully people, you can always make the argument that God is somehow on your side... but science is uncontrollable. Science doesn't care about what you want. Science doesn't care about your opinions, no matter how important they are to you.
(21,006 posts)lunasun
(21,646 posts)I would say it appeals to younger RWs who see themselves as never needing any help from anyone as long as they have money they will take care of themselves thank you and if they don't have money they too deserve what they get
(23,996 posts)Partisan and anti Obama. At that point I deleted the bookmark and never went there again.
(21,646 posts)in Las Vegas, climate change is left wing plot etc.= still crazy
Some of the alternative med articles may have a real benefit ,
but yeah the gunz gunz prepare and negroes less intelligent here's proof stories seemed to have subsided with Obama leaving the WH
More Alex jones lite now
(36,529 posts)Who just happen to have investments in these companies that make these cruel, artificial things that take attention away from their 'natural cures'.
Did they ever wonder why that is? I mean if natural cures are so great then why don't they get the FDA to abolish 'synthetic cures' and solely promote 'natural cures' instead, right?
(47,953 posts)They know their audience is pre-selected to be gullible and poorly educated. If they believe the whoppers Trump and his ilk tell, they'll believe anything.
(34,241 posts)I'm convinced of that. I have a Genetic based disease - HLA-B27 Gene Marker Ankylosing Spondylitis.
To the Mississippi Teapublican making $8 an hour - I'm a 'useless feeder'.
They don't realize I'd blow my brains out if I made that kind of money (sorry - not sorry - I'm being authentic an truthful) and every single day more and more, bit by bit, I begin to resent the drain they place on America.
(844 posts)The absolute hatred of fake news and distrust of anything factual spreads far and wide. The shitty leaders on the right know just how dumb their base has gotten and their greed is running rampant. Since so much of their irrational hatred at Obama was rooted in health care its only natural that sheisters on the right would target industries like this that push more of their particular bent of delusion.