Related: About this forumHaving a surgery tomorrow. Hyperparathyroidism (both of us already voted)
I have never heard of parathyroid. Never knew how calcium is important to the body beyond strong bones.
When, two years ago, my physician told me that my calcium level was high, my initial reaction was so what?
But same next year and I finally had a bone scan - not too bad - and a CT scan where two of the four glands were found to enlarged and will be removed. There are four of them so no effect.
I did not experience any of the symptoms except an occasional lack of stamina.
The nurse called me two days ago with a message from the anesthesiologist: because there is a shortage of IV fluid (after the hurricanes) I need to drink about 96 oz of clear Gatorade in two hours to finish half an hour before check in! I called to confirm and that nurse said that it does not have to be 96 oz. And I chose clear Pedialyte.
I am going to wear Depend.
Spouse just commented that it will be better to undergo operation instead of worrying about what is happening all over the country.
The only concern is the proximity to the vocal chords but he is known to be an excellent surgeon so..
Wish me luck.

(11,347 posts)Take care.
question everything
(49,740 posts)
(1,003 posts)This is a simple procedure and youll do fine. Theyll probably just monitor your levels from here on and you should bounce back.
question everything
(49,740 posts)
Lefta Dissenter
(6,673 posts)I had 3 1/2 of the four parathyroid glands removed. My recovery was swift - used only 1.5 of the 30 hydrocodone tabs that were prescribed - then was able to switch to otc pain relief the next evening after the surgery. I had the surgery on a Friday and was able to go back to work on Monday, though I probably didnt stay the full day. The great thing is that I had improvement in many of the symptoms I didnt even realize I was having!
Im sorry about the inconvenience of the iv bag shortage (its the bags themselves, not the fluid), but glad youll still have the surgery. Thats the type that can be postponed, and youll be glad to just get the darned thing done. And your spouse is correct about anesthesia being better than stressing about the election!
Best wishes to you!!! I hope yours goes as well as mine did. And I hope the election results by the time you get home give you a huge lift in recovery!
question everything
(49,740 posts)Yes, I am glad that the shortage did not postpone it..
(64,167 posts)

brer cat
(26,838 posts)
(847 posts)Nigrum Cattus
(432 posts)Most of us don't realize how important the thyroid glands are and
all the systems it regulates. If you have a scar after the operation
come up with a good story about how got it - sharks, bear, etc.
(23,211 posts)all the best of fortune and good vibes!!!