Addiction & Recovery
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This message was self-deleted by its author (seaglass) on Sun Mar 10, 2013, 05:49 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(28,791 posts)what's going on?
(27,985 posts)I'm in Nar Anon, for families of people using narcotics.
(34,769 posts)i know my family has to deal with my crazies and recovery
(49,314 posts)we need to be clear it's for those who are affected by addiction or alcoholism
you are welcome and i'm off to start a new thread
Response to seaglass (Original post)
seaglass This message was self-deleted by its author.
(49,314 posts)you don't have to say a word, but it might help hearing other's experience in your situation
Old Codger
(4,205 posts)Got more out of actual AA meetings than Al-Anon, for her it was better to hear from the actual alcoholics than the "victims" whatever works, but you might try and see if there is an open AA meeting in your area and see how that feels.
(21,733 posts)Many have a family day or meeting that helps family's understand more. Otherwise, I second the suggestion of alanon. There are many who share what you are going through.
(854 posts)You are welcome here seaglass. I come here to find a place to feel better, and get some feed back too. I hope that you can. I have experience with alcholism, and some people I know with other addictions. When my Dad died 4 months ago he had 28 years sobtiety from alchol. I'm proud of him.
(4,610 posts)Tripod
(854 posts)I'm glad I was able to tell him too. He was happy to see me sober for a couple years also. I have his first year coin with me. He inspired me, and me him. Love you Dad!
(16,002 posts)When my alcoholic brother was drinking heavily a few years ago, it was always felt that the family should encourage his good behaviors. He finally did go into rehab, and with family encouragement, he is doing much better.
My son also is alcoholic. My side of the family encourages his good behaviors, but his wife is seeing a counselor and has been told to detach herself from him and to consider him 'dead'. That by having no contact with him or his kids, he is dead to them until he goes into rehab.
How does this group feel of these two different philosophies?
(854 posts)We want you here, I was just watching a while ago, and wrote a post. Glad you are writting. I love the "peace" sig. I want that too. We have experience.