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Forgot to check in on the 28th to thank all the people in all the rooms for being there when I need/needed them.
17 years.
Couldn't have done it without you. Give yourselves a hand!

(1,456 posts)It's happened to me a couple times. Lord willing, I'll have 14 years on January 14th. I always found it strange how I allow myself to get so busy I lose track of time. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but I'm not using and that's always a good day.
Congratulations Iggo. Peace my friend, John
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)October 31, I had 7 years sobriety in AA.
Couldn't have done it without help from you...
I agree completely...for everyone in all the rooms....

(48,730 posts)...being so bloody successful at it (lol) that I forget about how bad it used to be.
I mean, fuck yeah, it's a great place to be. But, well, that thing about forgetting things and being doomed to repeat them and all that scares the fuck out of me.
I think I'll hit the local meeting sometime during this long weekend so I can recharge and so that I can carry the message back to them that WE DO RECOVER!