Addiction & Recovery
Related: About this forum"Tradition 3" at the heart of all 12 Step Programs.
I have been thinking about this one for a long time....The only requirement for membership is "a desire to stop drinking"..and "a desire to stop eating compulsively" so,?
. There are no dues or fees, and a person is accepted...period....You can choose your own higher power, or not choose. Work the steps quickly, slowly or very slowly. That is for you/me and the people I work with. Some people take years to "work" the program in a way that works ..That is ok,..why? because that is tradition 3
People we work with often "demand" we do it a certain way..We try, if we can't, then, try again. If we fail, we try again, that is ok, perhaps we change the people we work with..In my opinion, the best meetings accept all who desire to stop the addiction....period.... oh, if it were easy, it would be easy. It is not easy...

(68,644 posts)Go to some meetings and mention a different program, like rational recovery, and you might get shut down, stared at, ridiculed.
The same can happen at the mention of using principles from Cognitive Behavior or Dialectic Behavior theories.
Other meetings might be willing to talk about such things constructively.
Fortunately most cities have more than one meeting group and a comfortable one can usually be found.
As you say, we can change the people we work with.
(34,769 posts)I have no answers. this day you checked in, and you have a desire, that is a big deal
Old Codger
(4,205 posts)I have felt that I needed to change the people I worked with, tried different meetings/groups sometimes that was really what was needed, but a fair portion of the time it was really coming from someplace inside me and that was what was needed changing...
It is a simple program but it is not an easy program,regardless of your approach it takes a lot of hard work and willingness to face your personal demons, slow or fast whatever works.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)" takes a lot of hard work and willingness to face your personal demons, slow or fast whatever works. "
(6,115 posts)But it often isn't. Hopefully a person sticks around long enough to pick up some tools to use getting sober. Hopefully they stick around long enough to start doing the work, no matter hoe long it takes, no matter what road they take. Hopefully they stick around long enough for the miracle to happen.
Stuart G
(38,726 posts)But so many of us believe that the "miracle" is like winning the lottery. The miracle in my opinion is staying sober, doing the work, making some great friends and trying to enjoy life each day, no matter what. And if we cannot enjoy, then we need to take it one moment at a time to get through. If it were really easy, everyone would stay sober. It is not easy.