Addiction & Recovery
Related: About this forumMy cousin and my Mother-in-law both died on Thursday
I was pretty close to my M-I-L. I was thinking that the old me would have used that as an excuse to get real hammered. I did think a little about it last night while cooking dinner, but I held out and fixed myself a glass of iced coffee. Ended up watching some humorous shows and rewarding myself with a bowl of ice cream. Small miracle, eh?

(63,499 posts)Plus you can deal with the deaths without having a load of personal guilt to deal with.
(2,626 posts)Good for you for staying on track and doing what's really best for you. That's awesome!
(34,776 posts)

Is this the first major relationship losses since you became sober?
(24,821 posts)And I'm not in denial when I say this. But I didn't drink to cover up my emotions or to deal with a problem, drinking just became the problem. I drank in the evenings because I enjoyed the buzz. Simple as that. But I did it every night and I needed to stop.
(11,349 posts)Take care.
(12,389 posts)Sounds like you’re taking care of yourself though. My go-to treat is cheese, especially the really-bad-for-you ones like triple cream Brie. Yum.
(12,589 posts)That’s a lot to handle. You can’t practice too much self-care a time like this. Take care.
(5,789 posts)I think you did awesome!
Roy Rolling
(7,269 posts)Congratulations. Giving yourself a hangover to lift your spirits is seldom a working combination.
It’s said when we withhold our anger it rewires our brain to be more tolerant. The same goes with the austerity of withstanding temptation—it rewires us to be more tolerant of the triggers that menace us.
But we have to do something first, we must resist that drink, to experience the benefit. And that is often a very long journey, but one you’ve successfully made. Congratulations again. 😁
Fla Dem
(26,343 posts)No getting together with family to share stories, share grief, lots of hugs and that final good-bye. Peace to you and your family and kudos to you on your strength.
(1,400 posts)you must be a decent man. i think many resent having another woman at their wive's side. did she live close by?
probably fewer calories in the ice cream than the booze, yes? good job.
hang in there.
(122,603 posts)polmaven
(9,463 posts)The loss of 2 loved ones on the same day is very sorrowful. Deep condolence go out to you and your entire family!
(29,169 posts)

(113,131 posts)They're all small miracles.
I'm so sorry you lost people you loved.
I'm afraid we're all going to before 2020 finally lumbers off the calendar.
(15,177 posts)Just makes it worse.
(5,382 posts)
(124,939 posts)for your loss.
(1,264 posts)For your losses. That is heart breaking.
It's been tough. But it's been a lot worse for my wife. So it's important that I stay off the sauce and be supportive.