Addiction & Recovery
Related: About this forumBook learned with 20 years of on the job psych training vs
an addict who lived the life for 37 years.
I was told by a woman who has never smoked cocaine, snorted cocaine or ever done any other drugs in the world of addiction, "that I did not know anything about addciton". She stated to me "I know all about an addicts state of mind when they are on crack or cocaine". "I know about cocaine psychosis, you don't, you don't have a Master's Degree like me, I worked in psych for 20 years, I know all about it". "You know nothing about an addicts brain"!!
Being quietly angered at her arrogance, I just let her rant. She was very pissed that I would question her abilities when it came to an unsafe incident at the treatment center I work at. The patient was in cocaine psychosis because of smoking cocaine (crack) for a week.
I questioned why the patient was not put into isolation until he came out of the delusional world he was living in. He wanted to "rip my face off". He tried to climb the desk to get at me. He would peer through the glass partition to see if I was around. He wanted to harm me because a counselor told him I had charted he wanted to rip my face off. I stayed out of sight when he was in sight. Ms knowitall said I should of stayed in his view. NOT.
The counselor did wrong. The woman in charge did wrong. No one would listen to my life learned expertise w/o a degree, because of just that > NO DEGREE!!
I knew to stay out of the patients view when he was trying to cause me harm. I knew to not speak to this patient because of my life experience in dealing with drug addicts. My immediate supervisor told me to leave the station everytime he came around to keep him de-escalated. I did and agreed with that boss.
The main boss and all of her glorious degrees lost it because I the man w/o degrees dared call her on her mistakes. She ran me up one side and down the other. She was floored that I could do such a thing to her with the Master's Degree, BA and 20 years of psych leadership!!
My experience was shot down and put in it's place by this arrogant boss. She knew I had wandered the streets of the USA for 10 years as an out of control addict/drunk. She knew I had been in 32 inpatient treatment centers including psych wards. She knew I was 14 years clean and close to my own degree to become a licensed alcohol and drug counselor. She did not give a crap. She only cared for how she looked to all. This boss will not listen to anyone but herself speak. She only takes suggestions from herself. She would not know how to live out there in the real world of addiction. Her arrogance would get her nowhere in the world of an addicts life. Her arrogance and careless attitude would get her nowhere during group therapy sessions with addicts/alcoholics. Her attitude is what is wrong with management in treatment settings.
People at the top should have life experience first and then all of their f'n degrees when it comes to working with addicts and alcoholics.

(12,799 posts)Too many have no understanding of the harsh lessons offered only through the school of hard knocks.
[center][font size="3"]In general, arrogance is self-confidence on drugs.[/font][/center]
(55 posts)I'll take a seasoned ADN nurse over a green BSN nurse any day.