Addiction & Recovery
Related: About this forumWhy do Opiate Cravings come back all of a sudden????
I've been able to lower my drinking down buy just forcing myself NOT TO BUY the stuff for the home - and all is good.
However, ever since I quit Kratom (my wean-off drug for Opiates) I have these random opiate cravings, a voice in the back of my head reminding me how wonderful an opiate glow is - to breathe in deeply and feel your whole body melt into butter.
I don't miss Alky and even though I allow myself it once a week, sometimes I skip that preferring sobriety.
But opiates - whole different ball of wax.
Every day, it seems, my thoughts lead back to the big bad O.
And I've been off Kratom for almost 6 months now!!!

(28,791 posts)could be anything. a situation or person who reminds you of something. stress is mine, lol. anyway, once you figure out what triggers it, you can avoid it if possible, or even just reminding yourself that you don't have to act on that feeling helps too.
hang in there, they'll become fewer and farther between as your brain recovers.
(392 posts)I live with a family of addicts. They smoke, drink, etc. The day to day struggle to get through the day without falling is part of the cost of being an addict. The dark passenger is always in the back of their mind talking about the missed good times. It is the next day which is not nice is the day to avoid.
Good luck and keep on truckin....
(853 posts)My drug of choice is alcohol, and I still crave sometimes. And that's OK, because drinking alcohol is what an alcoholic does...I'm GOOD at it. This last year has been one of my most difficult as far as cravings go, and there's no rhyme or reason to it. Things are GOOD, and my alcoholic nature tells me I ought to be celebrating. The difference is that I am aware of the nature of the beast, I'm able to think it through, past the warm glow of the first few gulps, the pleasant buzz, and know where it will eventually take me; puking blood, with no job, conferring with a divorce attorney...and worse.
I know my beast. I don't think about a nice cold beer on a hot day. I think about being trashed, obliterated, drunk beyond speech. I know I'm an alcoholic; even after 11+ years, I know that I still will never be able to drink safely.
So I don't try. Simple.
(55,476 posts)Everything else is controllable for me, except opiates
When I discovered those, on the first time, it was like going back in the womb and reattaching myself to the umbilical cord.
Things are good, so I shouldn't be craving - - except I never took opiates to feel better, I took them to feel good.
(853 posts)I came up with all kinds of reasons to drink; because it's a party, because I had a bad day, because I had a good day, because it was Thursday, because I wanted to escape, because I wanted to fit in. The only reason that matters in the end is that I drank because I wanted to get drunk. Because that's what alcoholics do.
You crave your opiates because you want to be high. Because that's what addicts do.