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This doesn't really have to do with my co-addiction but I just left my husband and his new whatever and our son (that one hurts more than all the other combined). Actually maybe this kind of does. I have a bit of an affinity for ambien and anti anxiety meds. I haven't had anti-anxiety meds for years and well, I ran out of my ambien prescription a few weeks before I left. At least once a day I think about calling my psych doc to refill the ambien and to ask for a small prescription of an anti-anxiety. The pain and anxiety I'm feeling runs between 6 and 10 on the 10 point scale.
I've been gone for three weeks and I haven't made that call. Why? Well, there's this quote, I have no idea who to give attribution to, but it's The Only Way to Get Through this is to Go Through it. I have to feel the feelings and I have a pretty good idea that I would use either of those drugs to avoid going through this and there isn't any avoiding it, just delaying it. And no, I'm not drinking or smoking pot (pot's legal in our state, you know). Same thing. Now is when I have to go through this or else I get a short deferment. No avoiding it.
I've been sticking close to my Nar Anon group and I've been looking at Seattle Al-Anon meetings but haven't managed one yet. It's funny, I'm not dealing with an active addict anymore but as an ACOA, these guys just seem to help.

Old Codger
(4,205 posts)Hi and glad to see you are coping, I watch for your posts so as to be able to keep in touch.. you are doing things right, I know it is harder to do it that way but mood altering drugs are the same whether they are prescription or not dealing with life on life's terms is the name of the game... Keep it going and have a great Christmas.
(27,985 posts)It's all about our kiddo, and while he has severe autism, he picks up on vibes and I don't want it ruined for him. On the plus side, he got to come stay with me on the houseboat tonight (first time I've seen him since the split) and he's currently snoozing away on the air mattress just a few feet from me. He's a heavy sleeper so I know my typing won't wake him.
This is my Christmas, the Winter Solstice. And my heart is full because my child is here with me.
Old Codger
(4,205 posts)Are sometimes highly overrated, you are doing what pleases you and makes you happy. Whatever works, works.
(27,985 posts)But honestly, the person who is making the house crazy encourages me not to want to be there. Last night made up for anything I might miss. We had a blast.
(49,314 posts)it always amazes me how the simplest things bring the greatest joy.
hubby had a CD of one of our favorite bands in when i got home from work last nite. we danced in the living room to a couple songs.
made me happy and makes me happy thinking about it