Cancer Support
Related: About this forumOkay- I am freaking out... Please tell me if you have any reference for this-
About three weeks ago, my doctor's nurse commented on/asked about an unusual
area on my left breast- I had a mammogram about 4 months ago- completely clean
results, but now I have this WEIRD skin eruption.
I looks like a white bubble on the under side of my left breast- a white "pimple," if you will
but with no "head" just a "bubble." That is the best way I can think to describe it.
My GP and my dermo doctor have both examined it- saw no cause for alarm.
BUT, it is not going away-
Should I demand a biopsy of "it" anyway?
I always imagined Breast Cancer as an internal lump- am I a fool?
Sort of scared...

(8,170 posts)It could be something as simple as a sebaceous cyst, but I am not a doctor and you need confirmation for your peace of mind.
PunMed -Sebaceous Cyst
(17,162 posts)she left me a message tonight about a woman with similar abnormality that
DID turn out to be cancerous.
I think I am going to play it in the safe side and ask for a biopsy-
I am familiar with the sebaceous cysts you reference- this is not one.
Something completely different.
So biopsy it is.
I'm going to call on Monday and request it.
Better safe than sorry, no?
Besides, my mom will not it rest until she has an answer-
She survived BC and is not going to let it rest, so I have no choice but to
examine it further-
Thanks for responding!
(8,361 posts)doctors saw no cause for alarm, my best advice is - do not be alarmed. It's probably a cyst.
(17,162 posts)I've never had any thing it on my body before, so I just want it gone,
with an "all clear" from my doctor!
(10,117 posts)...thread..including mom's. This may be nothing, but it's best to be sure...especially with your history.
Breathe...this is the scariest part. The fear. Most of the time it is unwarranted, and everything turns out fine. But if it IS BC, the earlier you get it treated the better.
(3,344 posts)In my experience doctors don't wait if there is a problem. I would ask them to write down the diagnosis and don't be afraid to ask any questions.
(3,344 posts)
(17,162 posts)It's getting weirder looking.
Now a spreading of redness around it.
I'm going to assume the best at this point...
I appreciate you asking, really I do.
(3,344 posts)Let us know how the biopsy went and the results when you get them. Keep thinking the best. All of us will be here.
(17,162 posts)And yes, I will most certainly check in to tell you what
the results are. I guess I am scared, in that I have never seen
anything like this on my body, and I am pretty observant of changes
in that my mother had BC, My father SC and my brother is a survivor of PC, so far.
I just want the damned thing taken off, biopsied and will proceed from there.
I had a mammogram about 6 months ago that came back clean, so I don't know
what the hell this thing is- came out of nowhere and stayed and is now morphing.
This has been the WORST year of my health ever-
I've never had a "bad" health year in my entire life,
and at this point I am very annoyed with going to the doctor.
But I will, for the, I've lost count, time this year because I need
to know everything is okay.
BHN Thanks, again for staying in touch with me.
(17,162 posts)Procedure was completely painless and I will have results next week.
My doc was very reassuring in that he told me it was HIGHLY unlikely
to be a matter of concern due to the location.
Still, I feel better having it GONE and under lab examination.
Thanks for your love and support everyone.
(12,939 posts)Biopsies are scary.
(10,117 posts)
(31,747 posts)BHN, talk to us again, please.
(28,705 posts)
Sending you the best vibs.
(17,162 posts)Thanks for asking.
I freaked out because my mother developed BC at my age;
my brother is a prostrate cancer survivor and I have lost
three relatives to it in the last year.
Fortunately, we can still afford insurance, so I am
in hyper screening mode while I can get it done.
I went without a mammogram for at least five years- STUPID, I know.
Time for a pap smear as I am also at risk for that one.
All of the fascists attempts to deny women screening makes me FURIOUS.
(5,673 posts)I know how I worry when I'm waiting for results. This is wonderful news. cmd
(3,344 posts)My mom and grandmother had uterine cancer. My grandmother died from it. I have been used to getting pap smears every year but now my insurance has decided I only need one every three years. Can't figure it out.
(135,060 posts)
(5,673 posts)I forgot when I posted that that I had just gotten that last dose. Right now I'm not as chipper as I was when I posted. I still have to deal with the nausea and diarrhea for a few more days. Then- I'll start my two good weeks.
I'm celebrating by visiting my oldest daughter, my s-i-l and two wonderful grand kids. I haven't seen them since Christmas.
And many hugs to you, dear friend. cmd
(3,344 posts)Have a wonderful time with your family and I hope the nausea and diarrhea are gone now.
(17,162 posts)And am happy to hear you'll be starting your GOOD days and will celebrate
with your family- especially GRAND KIDS! Woot, what a hoot!
My daughter will never have children, so I have to live vicariously through others.
Look forward to hearing all about yours-
(3,344 posts)How did you celebrate? For such good news I hope hope you had a great celebration-quiet or otherwise.
(17,162 posts)I went and transplanted some baby plants, pruned some others and
pondered the wonder of nature.
And as always, when I am out in my garden, my oak tree squirrels
demanded some peanuts. They are so precious and eat from my hand, so delicately.
Life is good, especially when you share it with fur people and the plant beings.
Simple things are my celebration.
Seeing the trust in my fur people's eyes make me glad to be alive.
The birds, the squirrels, the cats, the dog- I know I have value as a being
when I see their judgement of me in their eyes.
Life is nothing like I thought it was twenty years ago. LOL.
(3,344 posts)What a cool story about the squirrels. I have been feeding hummingbirds for about 13 years. Most of the flowers I plant are planted with the hummingbirds in mind although I have a few that remind me of my mom. I am also a gardener as was my mother, grandmother and back several generations.
We seem to have much in common. My life was very active and now the children in the neighborhood call me the bird and garden lady. I feel the same way about animals.
I love the way you celebrated.
(17,162 posts)They are such amazing little things, love to watch them at work.
Sometimes when I am out weeding or such, one will fly right past my head!
I thought it was a bumble bee the first time it happened, but it was a busy hummer.
I think they think I am just part of the garden. LOL.
Like a stone statue or something- nothing to be feared.
Yes, you and I are a lot alike.
The jays have now appeared and are sneaky little thieves!
They watch where the squirrels hide things and then go and steal them...tee-hee.