Cancer Support
Related: About this forumI've fought the cancer to a standstill. Took about 10 years. No more treatment. Just monitoring ...
... I got so much support and energy from DU. It has has a large part in this good news.
It's "in situ", meaning it won't spread and probably will not grow.
Thanks to everybody helping me pull this off.

(8,929 posts)marble falls
(63,666 posts)... about getting it done more than with comfort or vanity.
The Brucillis two years ago did not help!
But we were going for nothing less than a cure. Two different cancers. Two major surgeries, two series of BCG, three surgical removals of tumors, it's been a serious row to hoe.
The Brucillis took the wind out of me for 16 months before a contagious disease doctor found it. I was close to giving up.
But, I am healthy again.
(18,445 posts)Several of the surgeries were for multiple tumors.
I had at least four six week courses of BCG. After the last six week course I had BCG maintenance treatments at increasing intervals. At months 3, 6,12, 18,24, 30, then at years 3, 4, 5 after which I decided to discontinue the maintenance therapy. I grew to hate those treatments.
I do annual cystoscopys now just to make sure I'm good. We started out at quarterly.
I'm wondering if you are doing the maintenance therapy. They called it Dr. Lamm's maintenance schedule.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... and wasn't of a kind that would respond to chemo or radiation. So right to surgery. I was offered the three options.
1. Save as much bladder as possible and use a catheter - I'm as uncomfortable with a catheter as you, it was the deal breaker.
2. Remove the bladder, build a pouch from skin and implant it and put a cap on it and urinate with a syringe. Uh uh. Nope.
3. Remove the bladder, the prostate, the tubes from the kidneys and harvest colon (which was a bit problematic because my lower colon had been removed previously) and replace the tubes with the colon harvest, create a stoma to vent urine into a bag.
The partial colon resection was extremely rough, but the bladder surgery was above and beyond.
I was fortunate. My socialist health care system has taken care of everything, timely, with care, and cutting no corners.
I am fortunate. Life is good. The learning curve with the bag has had it's embarrassments, but has been quite tolerable. I had trouble for a few months with feeling of having been mutilated. But that passed. I've had a bit of pleasure in showing young doctors the stoma when they'd never seen one in real life, the bag being of a higher capacity than the the badder has been convenient, and with the leg bag I can drive a long time with no stops.
More importantly: I am alive.
(24,172 posts)urologist wanted me to self urinate as in per your step 2 . i said forget it. my current urologist was rather miffed and is miffed that the bag was in me for that long as is my chiropractic dr. hes miffed too also. eggscllent on your part.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... TFG ain't shit compared to what we stared down.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... for advice and a word for hope. You were always there and you always had the info and the words I needed. Thankyou so much.
I needed to make this public. Thank you!
(18,445 posts)I've been moving my household and been off DU for the most part. It has been challenging physically and mentally. All versions of Murphy's law seem to have been proven.
You are welcome, but It is not necessary to thank me. I simply communicated my thoughts as to how I got through the tough times with my illness.
brer cat
(26,838 posts)niyad
(122,603 posts)mercuryblues
(15,470 posts)But that would imply you are done. You ain't done cook in' yet.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)surfered
(5,426 posts)good luck,
(19,722 posts)Really glad to hear it!
(7,080 posts)SO happy for you. Now ease on down the road.
(20,705 posts)🫶
(36,594 posts)mountain grammy
(27,583 posts)So glad to see this.
(23,951 posts)greatauntoftriplets
(177,385 posts)I'm relieved to hear it
marble falls
(63,666 posts)redwitch
(15,128 posts)Glad for the good news!
(19,819 posts)
(39,955 posts)

(6,878 posts)Diamond_Dog
(36,223 posts)Im so glad DUers gave you strength and optimism! Im so happy for you. Wishing you continued good health and many more years here on DU.
Been 17 years for me and I still get nervous at my annual screening.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... but cancer won't respond to that in a good way. Having people to discuss and share with, like the Cleveland music scene with you was good medicine.
(36,223 posts)Im happy that we had something to connect over!
On edit:
Just for fun
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... a little too buzzed to remember.
Saw James Gang in Kent for $2.50 and $2.00 for a draft at Pirate's Cove in Kent. Sooo many concerts!
(36,223 posts)Joe and his band used to play at teen dances at the Episcopal church several blocks from my childhood home! Probably around 1969-70. James Gang days.
Heres another fun link. This photo was a bit before my time however. But I sure know the place. Check out the van in the background they used to haul all their equipment, Lol
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... when you got good, you got to play downstairs. Remember Wild Butter?
(36,223 posts)Their general sound seems kinda familiar, though. Can you elaborate?
Glass Harp, absolutely. Pride of Youngstown!
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... they did a lot of covers (pretty good, but covers). they were an Akron/Kent band. Lacewing came out of the wreckage when their label dropped them. The keyboardist wrote and performed Disco Duck. The lead guitarist joined a big Colorado band, Buck.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... was seeing a guy walk in wearing a Navy Pea Coat. He had two shopping bags, one had a urine bag, the other a colostomy bag. He ignored the symptoms, they are easy to ignore until too late. His bladder cancer metastasized and went to his colon. He could have been me, he even looked like me. He was stoic in desperate situation with a not too much chance for relief.
I had a colon cancer removed about two years before, after starting treatment for bladder cancer. Fortunately for me they were not related.
But I knew: I did not want to be him and all of a sudden I stopped whining about the BCG treatments, which are HIGHLY unpleasant.
Having DU to support me through my travails meant everything to me.
(1,445 posts)and wishing you everything good.
(95,938 posts)That's some really good news.
(18,999 posts)

(114,021 posts)Duncanpup
(14,141 posts)Ferrets are Cool
(22,096 posts)

Ms. Toad
(36,194 posts)cilla4progress
(26,247 posts)Well done!!
(90,336 posts)You fought and you won, marble falls.
(1,889 posts)
(761 posts)So happy you have some peace now from this.
(30,237 posts)Kudos for going through ten years of it ! Thats so long. I really hope you werent sick for so long
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... I was rarely disappointed: they could make me feel terrible. Then about two years ago I got sick from Brucillis that went for over a year before they figured out what it was - everyone felt it was a urinary infection that almost turned into sepsis twice. That actually was harder to deal with than the cancer. Finally VA put an infectious disease specialist on it, she found out what it was in a couple of weeks and cleared it up in a little over a month. Sixteen months of misery. The last few weeks before Dr Shou found the disease, I was figuring I was just failing from age and racing to the grave. That was as close as I came to giving up.
Thank G*D for my socialized health care system.
(4,117 posts)So glad to hear, well done.
(3,498 posts)Here's to the rest of a wonderful life!
(7,404 posts)
marble falls
(63,666 posts)True Dough
(22,177 posts)but hopefully the next 10 will be better than you could have imagined!
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... it certainly changed my priorities. Life is good!
(29,540 posts)Must be such a great relief. Congrats!
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... that came along with it.
I feel great.
(162,443 posts)
marble falls
(63,666 posts)Dem2theMax
(10,613 posts)No more treatment means go out and enjoy life!
marble falls
(63,666 posts)Goddessartist
(2,067 posts)Thank you for sharing this wonderful news! I took a few days break so this is wonderful to come back to!
marble falls
(63,666 posts)Goddessartist
(2,067 posts)and like a family, we are here for each other.
I've lost two siblings to cancer, and two ex husbands, and several friends...I'm glad you're here.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)Goddessartist
(2,067 posts)I've survived a heart attack (NSTMI - Broken Heart syndrome), a brain aneurysm, and the removal of half of my thyroid! I can't sing anymore, but that's okay!
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... someone else in a deeper manner. That's a blessing more of us would benefit from - the appreciation of other's voices, not the loss of one's own.
(3,997 posts)"This is the way".
Still have my peacoat from the 70's, In box somewhere. Wife says I have more coats than any man on Earth. I tried my peacoat on when I turned 50 and while I could still button it, I could not fit a shirt underneath. haha
Good on you MF, hey I just noticed that. Funny.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... last night - $400+. I'll settle for a black scarf and the Blue Jacket's Manual. I can find a good used copy for under $5.00. The scarf is getting close to $100 the last time I looked, and looking this morning I can't even find one.
(3,997 posts)For Xmas this year. Only half way through but interesting read so far. Dramatically different that mine from 76 or there-a-bouts. The 42 version is in hardback and mine paperback but both have names stenciled on front cover. I will stop there for now but if you want more info, shoot me a pm.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)marked50
(1,477 posts)woodsprite
(12,360 posts)Solly Mack
(94,368 posts)Hoping you get some much-needed rest.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)BumRushDaShow
(148,720 posts)
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... having MIRT was a motivator, even if my contribution lagged.
(12,976 posts)Thanks to all for sharing your stories. Cancer sucks out loud.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... cancers into a nuisance by the end of the decade.
(12,976 posts)marble falls
(63,666 posts)70sEraVet
(4,388 posts)flying_wahini
(8,047 posts)Fla Dem
(26,343 posts)Congratulations on winning a long and hard fought battle. All the best to you in the coming years.
Live your life to the fullest!
(11,691 posts)But yes, congrats. And as you said up thread--despite all you went through, you're alive and functioning and carrying on.
That's a very good thing. May you have many good years ahead, marble falls.
(159,752 posts)I am so glad that you have this cancer under control.
(12,717 posts)
(281,735 posts)
(135 posts)and that, I understand, is NOT good. It tends to return over and over again. I just finished the initial 6 X BCG; my follow-up cystoscopy is on Feb. 6. I will do just about anything to keep my bladder. In fact, if giving it up is the only alternative, I may choose to check out instead. That is not the quality of life I want. I'll soon be 69. Maybe that's enough.
marble falls
(63,666 posts)... it has a learning curve, mostly minor embarrassment.
PLEASE message me. I needed two DUers to talk to me and it made the difference.
(9,628 posts)58Sunliner
(5,419 posts)gademocrat7
(11,349 posts)Three cheers for you, marble falls!! You are a warrior!!👏👏🤗
(43,475 posts)Evolve Dammit
(20,275 posts)

(47,758 posts)
(509 posts)DU is such an amazing place!
marble falls
(63,666 posts)calimary
(85,386 posts)Thanks for keeping us posted along your journey, marble falls. So glad to hear the good prognosis!