Does anybody have any tips for neuropathic pain in regards to sleeping
I have been off of oxycodone for over a week and doing well except at night while trying to sleep. I wake up having terrible pain in my whole body which only allows me about 3 to 4 hours sleep every night. I was wondering if anyone has any tricks to get a decent night's rest without taking pain killers and I don't have access to MMJ yet. Thanks!

(16,916 posts)MMJ. Are you just in a bad state for it?
(7,661 posts)and the law has passed but I'm waiting for it to be enforced and where I could I find a doctor to prescribe MMJ.
Here's link about the new law. I hope they don't give me a run around when I apply. I stopped taking the pain medication because my doctors were using it as an excuse. Thank you for your reply.
(16,916 posts)but there are options for you
(7,661 posts)loop for many years now even though I live where I grew up. Friends tend to disappear over time when you are disabled and can not do the things that you used to do with them.
(3,908 posts)Cuts my nerve pain about 40%, or from "kill me now", to "maybe I can make until tomorrow" and hope something changes. Occasionally it does otherwise there is always Colorado or Oregon. Colorado was nice before the fracking. Side effects: morning stupor can be overcome with caffine and/or exercise.
Terrible cycle: To much pain to sleep: no sleep makes pain worse until you hit exhaustion. Then you get enough sleep not to die but the cycle starts all over again. Isolating.
Now we have to jump through higher and higher hoops to get enough pain meds to get only some time when the only thing in our life is pain.
Hang in there. You certainly are not alone.
(7,661 posts)for the reply and I will look into it. On top of my spinal issues I have Hydrocephalus which I'm have trouble with my shunt. So if sit up my spine is better but my headache gets worse and visa versa. The doctors were implying that I may of had opioid induced hyperalgesia which I feel it is silly since my dose was consider low even by my pain management NP. So I stopped the pain medication and my whole body is paying the price. It's not just my lower back with five damaged discs, it my neck also which was fused and now two new discs popped, making it grand total of 11 shitty discs that I know of. It truly does suck. Oh BTW I have taken desipramine and Cymbalta. The desipramine stopped working and the Cymbalta was one of the worse meds I've ever taken. Thanks again for the help.
(60,025 posts)The brand name...Elavil... is no longer available in the US.
the generic version is.
It is an anti-depressant.
I am using it for nerve pain, one 50 mg. at night, no drug hangover the next day.
The trick is to take it a couple hours before bedtime.
If you have a decent doc, might want to ask about off label drugs for pain.
I did try a couple other meds that my body did not like, so it sometimes takes experimentation to find what works.
There are also the non-narcotic pain relievers like Toradol for moderate to severe pain.
(7,661 posts)for the reply. I was hoping to be able to stick out without taking anything since I'm doing fairly well during the day but at night it's just awful. I can't go longer than two hours without have to get up and sit for awhile. I don't know if it is because of withdrawal or I'm just feeling the full effect of my spinal problems. I have no cravings which IMO is a good sign and I even have a few pills left but no urge to take them. My pain management Nurse Practitioner is wonderful person so I could ask her. I would of really liked to take a break from going to a doctor every month but it is what it is.
(12,051 posts)UglyGreed
(7,661 posts)Last edited Fri Nov 21, 2014, 06:47 PM - Edit history (1)
How is it on your stomach? I have a hiatal hernia from using Celebrex for about 7 months, so I'm weary of NSAIDs.
(12,051 posts)are minimized. With that hernia, you may not be wise to take Diclofenac.
(7,661 posts)that was one of main the reasons I was a low dose but more powerful painkiller.
brer cat
(26,838 posts)I take it for neuropathic pain at night, and it has been very effective for me. It is not an opiate.
Good luck finding something that works, UG. I know how awful it is to be exhausted and yet not sleep.
(7,661 posts)I did take Neurontin when it first came out, it made me feel out of it and very confused. Also it affected my stomach to the point I had to stop taking it. My sleeping patterns have improved over time but not perfect. The pain and gnawing feelings in my lower back and legs are still there but I 'm taking it one day at a time.
It will be seven weeks tomorrow since I last took my pain medication, still sneezing but I have no cravings to go back even after having my wisdom tooth extracted. Mentally I feel empowered since I thought my body would not be able to handle the change after six years of taking oxycodone. I will look into MMJ when I'm allowed to do so in NYS. Thanks again for the reply
(1,295 posts)Worked great the first couple years but eventually seemed like it stopped working altogether so I discontinued it and couldn't tell a difference. Trying Ropinirole now but not sure if it's doing much either.
(72,174 posts)i tend to curl up and cramp up. it makes a big difference if i dont do that. plus makes you drowsy.
i also take lyrica. i take a higher dose in the morning, because i sleep too much. but it is pretty good stuff.
hear ya on the nsaids. burned up my intestines pretty badly.
(3,998 posts)Antidepressant with a slight sedative effect.
(676 posts)My doctors have always told me that opioids don't work for nerve pain but I swear the hydrocodone I take for my back issues help with my severe nerve pain.
(1,579 posts)vanlassie
(5,923 posts)Much lower doses of each -work very well for my pain. My docs just looked blank when I mentioned it. Apparently they hadnt had the sales reps in yet.
(2,187 posts)Since I tend to curl up, which appears to alleviate pain a bit but then no longer does, I very slowly uncurl every part of my body, stretching gently (to avoid charley-horses) and trying to lengthen my body in bed. I also slowly rotate different parts of the body to find a better solution.
It doesn't take care of all the pain, but I find it helps.
No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)after 2-3 hrs sleep.
I believe the gel-caps dissolve easily and quickly and go down easily as well with just a small amount of water.
My discomfort may not be as aggravated as yours..
Good luck.
(3,948 posts)AllyCat
(17,606 posts)hlthe2b
(108,379 posts)and non-habit-forming. Talk to your doctor to see if you are a good candidate.
Response to UglyGreed (Original post)
Mugu This message was self-deleted by its author.
(9,558 posts)Has helped my friend with ms pain
Lulu KC
(7,373 posts)I have tried Rx meds for neuropathy and nothing quite worked, or it gave me such a hangover that it really messed up my days. Now I take 400 mg of l-theanine at dinner. If I am having pain as I start falling asleep, I have a bottle next to the bed with chewables--I chew on another 400 mg and the pain leaves. It also helps with blood pressure.
(9,289 posts)My husband has maybe a dozen different kinds of pain and he has tried everything. You can get generic topical lidocaine and lidocaine patches without a prescription. Prescription lidocaine is just a little bit stronger. Also, don't laugh, Australian Dream is good in some cases.
Oh, and when he plays a musical instrument his pain goes away.
(17,606 posts)Others recommending tricyclics which I believe work in a similar way.
(492 posts)Although coming off it (Cymbalta) was a nightmare for a year...
(17,606 posts)Sorry you struggled for so long. I had a shorter withdrawal for that.
Basic LA
(2,047 posts)Here MMJ is quite accessible but oxycodone is not. I see these two as being quite different, at least for me. Cannabis is quite lovely for recreation, consciousness-raising, and (maybe) sleep, but Oxy is the only pain relief for me. Trouble is, I can't get it. It's considered a big sin where I am. Doctors won't prescribe it.
(35,102 posts)Lots of good info in the responses, so Im bookmarking it.
My problem that wakes me up is coldness. I end up wearing several pair of winter socks and if still cold I have even wore shoes to bed.
I try to put in lots of steps during the day and that helps me.
I also have the same stomach problem. I understand the meds I take for that can cause a lack of vitamin B-12. That has helped with my depression. Just trying to get the right dosage now.
Good luck. 👍
(3,948 posts)Be careful not to use water thats too hot and make sure you buy one with a knitted cover
(35,102 posts)better sleep for me and fewer side effects. Had to try different ones and ended up getting some good advice from the bud tender.
I dont seem to get a high from them, just tired and do sleep longer.
(65,632 posts)It is an older anti-depressant which can be used in a low dose to help with sleep.
Helps you fall asleep and get a good night's sleep.
It is not addictive.
Perhaps this along with some of the pain management suggestions.
But trazodone may help with the pain as well.
Something to discuss with doctor.
(1,411 posts)1. Wake up early and avoid naps when possible. Naps will throw your sleep off.
2. Start eliminating sensory stimuli about 2 hours before bedtime.
3. Meditate if it works for you 30-60 minutes before bed.
Calming yourself becomes more challenging with pain. The extra effort and preparation augments and pharmacological approach.
4. MMJ.
5. Melatonin. 10 mg 15 minutes before bed.
6. Diphenhydramine hydrochloride. 25-50 mg before bed. Found in lots of OTC sleep aids.
7. Methocarbamol, neurontin, amitryptilene/nortriptyline may help with the pain.
8, Chamomile tea, Valerian root.
I've missed and matched 5 through 8 as well as alternating with some success. The problem with 5, 6 and 8 is that you develop tolerance within a few weeks. They're good options for the short term, assuming you're not dealing with chronic pain.
Hope that helps.