I have ITP
I have joined a group for platelet but do not get much information on how it affects my body.

(68,918 posts)She was only hospitalized once for transfusions. It is pretty manageable. She was put on steroids (prednisone) that time. Her doctor told her to make sure she gets enough iron and to stay away from overdoing it with alcohol. She had one scare over the summer (when the prickly red dots and a few bruises appeared) but she was able to get it under control without another transfusion. The first time was very scary. Her body became basically one big bruise. The big concern is internal bleeding when your platelet count is low. Such as if you were to hit your head. Her cousin has it as well and only had one big flare, when she was a little girl.
Be well.
***My daughter is WannaBeGrumpy on here but she rarely posts anymore.****
(113,131 posts)The good news is that you can go into remission. The bad news is that you have to be very alert for signs the remission is ending.
(13,303 posts)very individual. My mother had it for many years and once on medication, never had a symptom or felt unwell. She went for platelet counts every six weeks and stayed on a low dose of prednisone. For a while she was on one the newer drug but couldn't stay on it for long. Interestingly, when she smoked, her platelet count went up, but her dr convinced her that it was not a good trade off. I hope you have a case no more troublesome than hers.
(17,258 posts)spleen was removed my platelet count returned to normal. It tends to be high these days though.
They tried me on steroids and all that did for me was pack on the pounds and give me horrific headaches.
I am sure to get my flu shot every year and I also get pneumovax ever 5 years. There are differing thoughts on how often I need the pneumovax though.
Prior to having my spleen removed I used to bruise SO easily. In my initial visit to the haematologist he counted 32 bruises on my left leg, 27 on my right. 29 bruises on my torso, 19 and 12 bruises on my left and right arms respectivley.
Good luck with your treatment.
edited to add that all this happened in 1977