Update on my cancer
I have a pulmonary appointment on Thursday, Sept. 15. There is a tumor in my lower left lobe of my lungs. She (my primary care doc) says it is large, 3.3 x 2.8 cm and it is cancer. Lower lobe tumors do not metastasize as often.
It has not spread into my back. They caught it in time. The treatment I am having is a broncospopy.
I will be getting treatment and I should be able to heal.
I have had one and one-half cigarettes since July 26th, and I am done smoking. I don't care how many cigarettes my husband brings home. That is over.
I am feeling good about things. I know I can beat this.

(124,940 posts)skylucy
(3,909 posts)to you murielm!
(5,382 posts)You got this.

(159,752 posts)You will be in my prayers
(114,021 posts)You can.
(36,223 posts)Wishing you strength to fight and knock it out!
(5,370 posts)and full recovery
(31,747 posts)Cigarettes taste terrible to me now. I am happy about that.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)Makes it much easier than when people just quit without any such feeling.
You are in my thoughts! Just like my sister said... When she got breast cancer. Not going to worry about it I am just going to focus on doing exactly whatever the doctors tell me to do and take it one step at a time. It works out!
(24,453 posts)
(11,349 posts)Take care.
(23,954 posts)photo of healthy lungs and visualize that inside you. Can't hurt!!!!
(162,443 posts)now promise us this: if you are tempted to light up a cig, POST YOUR INTENTION HERE FIRST and let us talk to you about it
also, is there any way to get your husband to limit his smoking to outside or one room - he should be helping you
(31,747 posts)He mostly smokes outside.
I still have cancer. I need to be sure they remove or eradicate it before it spreads to my spine.
(162,443 posts)WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!
(3,440 posts)Godspeed and to your healing!
(10,036 posts)With healing and some extra energy, consider working on your husband to quit also - you'll be his best example.
mountain grammy
(27,583 posts)All the best to you!
(15,813 posts)What my FIL did when my MIL got lung cancer. He smoked a pipe and took it outside when she was diagnosed. She went through chemo and radiation and lived another 21 years.
(9,628 posts)Evolve Dammit
(20,275 posts)

(15,813 posts)in-law lived 21 years after having lung cancer. It was pretty amazing to me. Sending you healing thoughts.
(21,084 posts)
(4,587 posts)if you can make it 24 hours without a cigarette, you can DEFINITELY quit! You are going to feel so much better. I didn't realize that lower lobe tumors do not metastasize as often. That is great news! I wish you the very, very best.
(8,491 posts)So, so much better than the previous post I read about your cancer. Yes, you can beat this!
(30,107 posts)I smoked a pack and a half of cigarettes a day for over 25.years, and I was finally able to quit..Very best to you
(6,663 posts)...and take good care of yourself, muriel99! Prayers on their way to you.
(308,448 posts)I hope your husband smokes outside for your sake!
(54,551 posts)kimbutgar
(24,480 posts)Hang in there Muriel you will Beat this!
(6,752 posts)It sounds like you have an exceedingly high chance of beating this completely which is awesome 👏🏼 And your attitude is the perfect response! So YES YOU WILL PREVAIL!
(36,594 posts)Your great attitude will be so helpful. You got this. Positive healing thoughts to you. 🫶🏻
(39,955 posts)Thank you for updating us on how you're keeping up your end.
(93 posts)You ARE doing this!
(122,603 posts)famiky is here for you.
(26,335 posts)Sending healing thoughts.
(57,325 posts)
(3,251 posts)A hospital stay. Best decision I ever made. Good for you.
(16,876 posts)Im sorry that its cancer but so thrilled that they caught it at time, that it is good news, and that you know you can beat this.
Shoot for 99 anyway
Make it the best 15 years of your life.
(16,876 posts)PaulnFortWorth
(67 posts)I had throat cancer last year. Chemo and radiation. It's in remission now. It was scary. I lost 15 lbs in less than two months. I needed a G-tube to consume Boost high calorie drinks.
Now my wife has myeloma. Since I had a good outcome we're going to the same oncologist. She also had a bronchoscopy to see if her lung congestion is related (it's not but long-term covid may be the cause of that).
Get your husband to quit also. The smell of smoking will be in his skin and clothes. It'll take almost a year for the smell to go away but it'll always be a subtle reminder that you won't notice. I'm a former smoker also and it took three years of trying before I finally was able to quit.
Good luck with your treatment. Eat healthy and keep physically active.
(3,724 posts)with a mitral valve replacement, and is also on oxygen for COPD. His surgeon suggested the supplement, she is from Greece and it is very regularly used in Europe she told us. My husband is now 5 years out from his valve surgery and has no further symptoms of heart failure such as fluid build up in the legs and lungs. I take CoQ10 for migraines and it has helped reduce their frequency.
I know how hard it is to quit cigarettes; the additives tobacco companies put on tobacco are to increase the nicotine and smoking addiction. I hope you and the husband can both stop smoking and enjoy better health
(12,717 posts)I am so glad to hear your cancer is treatable. Best wishes to you.
Midnight Writer
(23,497 posts)Native
(6,988 posts)Quakerfriend
(5,736 posts)
Im going on 25 years as a survivor myself!
You may want to read about Rene Caises use of Essiac Tea to cure cancer. It was at one time approved as a treatment for cancer at Sloan Kettering.
It is especially good for the lungs.
It was part of my protocol & I believe part of my cure.
- Blessings to you!
(56,126 posts)especially crap that may actually do the opposite of what is claimed.
Several studies have shown the drink stimulates the growth of certain cancer cells. This effect has been observed in two lab studies, and one study with rats.
Essiac tea may also interact negatively with chemotherapy. One case has been reported where it may have caused increased toxicity in the blood of a chemotherapy patient. Many experts caution against combining essiac tea and chemotherapy.
(5,736 posts)I worked doing clinical research for the NIH at UPenn Med for several decades and I am farmiliar with the studies re: Essiac but, thank you.
(115,916 posts)stage left
(3,050 posts)That they caught it in time. Bravo for being done with cigarettes. It is so hard, but so very worth it. And your husband may just follow suit. Mine did. Smoke free since May of 2009.
(2,244 posts)MLAA
(18,999 posts)Cant imagine how hard it is to quit when your spouse still smokes but it sure sounds like you have the determination ☺️💖💗❤️💖