I wrecked my palms again with something harsh. Either detergent, liquid hand soap or
a new wipe supposed to be for hands and not cleaning. Looks like poison or poison oak, but I haven't touched any b4 this started. Yesterday right palm got way worse, so I sought urgent care today. I saved a site on the Google that says there's an increase in bodily damage from harsh chemical stuff [antibacterial, detergent, etc.] than ever b4.Doc visit was 2 fold actually.
I asked to be evaluated for a possible UTI. [Bladder infection. AGAIN!] Sure enuff. A mild case. I'm so sick of this crap. I did 2 AZO home tests recently and leucocloytes showed pale pinky purple. They're not 100 % accurate, but always results in positive. So on a short course of Cipro, got corticosteroid injection, start course of Prednisone Monday, and got 2 Rx small tubes of Triamcinolone topical.
Thanx one and all for letting me air this out.
Honestly, I really don't know why I'm getting dumped on constantly. O ye woman of little faith! Yah, I do question regardless.
I don't know what I'd do without you dudettes and dudes on DU. So thankful! 💙

(8,608 posts)dormant leaves on the ground if that stuff in poison ivy was your source problem.
(20,705 posts)Tetrachloride
(8,608 posts)my face had a spot for 3+ years. inexplicable but i remember right where i was.
(27,435 posts)Really? What toxic something was on that pillowcase?
(8,608 posts)if it was the pillowcase.
otherwise it was something the cat (me) dragged in.
in any case, i have been on yellow alert ever since regarding soaps.
(16,421 posts)It's poison ivy on the east coast. I once worked on a workbench that had a solvent spill.
If you suspect an oil like the two above, use Dawn immediately and when you get home, some Tecnu, which is deodorized mineral spirits. Comes with instructions. TBH, mineral spirits in the hardware store are deodorized these days. Probably got people high or sick.
Had my share of contact dermatitis.
(2,390 posts)sprinkleeninow
(20,705 posts)
(34,776 posts)sprinkleeninow
(20,705 posts)I need to get back on track. Just can't fit it all in at times. I need to discipline myself in how to pace and let some stuff go.
My husband will be departed 4 years next month. Someone in the bereavement group expressed that they were brought to having perhaps "imagined" their loved one.
I know I had him, but so instant and final, I may have only "imagined" him and our life together. That's perfectly descriptive of what I'm feeling. All those years slip through your grasp like a wisp of smoke.
Much L🩷VE to you, Dear Heart!