My kyphoplasty has been pushed up
to late January or early February. This is at my request, because I am taking a steroid and an antibiotic for a while. Whether the doctors like it or not, whether they can find it or not, I think there is a residual infection post-covid. At times, my shortness of breath is so bad I can barely breathe. I can't walk from the kitchen to the living room without panting.
They don't like it when I change things. But I know, whether they are willing to accept it or not, that I sometimes get conflicting information from these doctors. I would have had this procedure long ago if I had not been getting conflicting information. I am sure they did not tell me that I could get the kyphoplasty through the pain clinic. I thought that was for drugs and physical therapy. I rejected the help of the pain clinic, because I thought it was treating symptoms and not causes.
I have an MRI Monday. But we will do things my way, on my schedule, as much as possible. I have too many doctors. If they cannot coordinate with me, I cannot help that. We will get things done, one way or another.
(14,841 posts)Walleye
(36,898 posts)My experience with doctors as they dont talk to each other enough. And now all the info is available online they have no excuse. good luck with all this and try to stay strong
(31,579 posts)It will still be good in a month, I hope? Who knows about anything.
(14,841 posts)Sending love!