Anyone dealing with Raynaud's?
My hands have always gone a little pale when they were cold, but since my diagnosis with lupus and dermatomyositis this March, my Raynaud's has been terrible, and now that it's a tad chilly here in North Florida, downright unbearable. It's 70 degrees in my house, I'm wearing socks and a hockey sweater and my hands look like a three day old corpse's.
Do any of you have ideas or stories about how you deal with this stupid syndrome? I'm wearing gloves and I bought two Zippo handwarmers, but Jeez, it's only November and it hasnt got cold yet.
Here's hoping I keep my fingers and toes this winter.
(PS, typing is a bitch when your fingers are numb)

(113,131 posts)and my two strategies are warmth and activity. When the Acorn socks or fingerless mitts aren't doing the job I'll put in some time on the stationary bike. I've been known to take my socks and shoes off and throw them on the floor furnace when it's cycling to get them really warm. My hands are easier--when they start to go dead white I'll jam them into my armpits or sit on them until they warm up.
Acorn socks:
Fingerless mitts (if you can't make your own):
ETA: if this isn't working for you, talk to your doctor. Drugs like calcium channel blockers can keep the vessels open. Nerve surgery is indicated in severe cases that won't respond to drugs. You can keep your hands and feet, you might just need more help than you're getting.
(19,288 posts)When the Dr discovered it he ran the ANA test on me to check for Lupus. I was negative. Thank God.
I've been really cold lately. I had been thinking about starting an op about this topic. I started taking my B vitamins to see if the thiamine would make any difference.
I have to get back to swimming aerobics. The movement helped a lot. The combo of less activity and the winter coming have my typing finger numb all the time.
I have more edits per post than most people cuz of it.
And I should proof read better.
(13,303 posts)and I hardly remember that I have it.
(109,763 posts)My mother has Raynaud's and one of her medications (I think) also helps with the Raynaud's. It might be the Norvasc that someone else mentioned.