Related: About this forumIs tRump's adult behavior the result of poor parenting,
his environment or is it psychological?
He is essentially the same he was as a boy and he will tell you that himself.
"He had a reputation for saying anything that came into his head, said Donald Kass, 70, a retired agronomist who was a schoolmate. When Trump misidentified Rocca, the pro wrestler, Kass recalled, We would laugh at him and tell him he was wrong, and hed say he was right. The next time, he would make the same mistake, and it would be the same thing all over again.
Donald was known to be a bully, I was a little kid, and my parents didnt want me beaten up, said Burnham, 65, a business consultant in Texas.
Once when she left Dennis in a playpen in a back yard adjoining the Trumps property, Martha Burnham returned to find Donald throwing rocks at her son. She saw Donald standing at the fence, Dennis Burnham said, using the playpen for target practice.
Near the end of seventh grade, Fred discovered Donalds knives and was infuriated to learn about his trips into the city. He decided his sons behavior warranted a radical change. In the months before eighth grade, Fred Trump enrolled Donald at the New York Military Academy, a boarding school 70 miles from Jamaica Estates.
DAntonio, the biographer who wrote Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success, said Fred Trumps decision was a very severe response to a kid who hadnt gotten arrested and wasnt involved in drinking and drugging. He was essentially a smart aleck.
This was a profound rejection of Donald, he said.

(10,362 posts)Assholes are gonna asshole. Plain and simple.
There is no "cause" of Trump, he is simply an asshole, period.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,536 posts)Sounds like Trump was nasty even as a small child, kind of a bad seed.
(11,746 posts)I dont think we know what causes that, or how to cure it.
(6,552 posts)I've read before that Donald's father was a very unloving person, and he always pushed his kids to competition, and pushed the belief on them that if you weren't the very best, you were a loser.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,536 posts)His older brother Fred was a pilot (but eventually drank himself to death); a sister, Maryanne, is a retired federal judge; another sister, Elizabeth, worked in banking; and brother Robert worked for the family business for awhile. We never hear anything from or about them. I wonder why?
(52,669 posts)Is that what they are called...the thing Stormy had to sign.
(15,124 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,669 posts)to describe him when I wrote it since he is a man-baby after all. Who said, "Show me the boy and I'll show you the man"?
Marie Marie
(10,100 posts)Many children of that generation grew up with distant and strict fathers and yet managed to become decent and mature people of character and integrity. He is just a spoiled and entitled piece of shit. He is responsible for his life and how he chooses to behave.
(24,309 posts)with shitty parents and dont turn into malignant narcissists. IMO, he was born an asshole.
(52,669 posts)LeftishBrit
(41,318 posts)He was a slum landlord, and the subject of a song by Woody Guthrie, attacking his racism.
However, I don't think that Trump's behaviour can be entirely blamed on his parents. He had several siblings, who did not turn out the same way.
(52,669 posts)Partly his own psychological/chemical make-up, possibly genetic (he has multiple "borderline personality disorders" as well as socio/environmental factors (like a very rich, criminal/fraudulent, racist businessman father).