Related: About this forumNot certain if this belongs here
It's gotten to the point that I'm not able to speak to my elderly parents about anything except family any longer. My Dad is PARKED in front of the television, Fux News blaring their propaganda, which of course, he believes every utterance, no matter how ridiculous (Windmill Cancer anyone?)
My Mom is PARKED in front of her computer, posting some of the MOST HATEFUL stuff (to the point that one of her grandson's BLOCKED her) about practically anyone that is not a Republican. She even asked at one point "Why did Grandson #2 block me on FB?" My response was 'have you ever thought to look at your hateful FB posts?'. Of course, no response from either.
Since I'm the only of the 3 'kids' (we're all AARP eligible now) that lives in same State as parents, it's literally up to me to be certain that Mom and Dad have what's needed and required. Yes, they are mobile, yes, they are able to do for themselves, but at times, they do require an extra helping hand. I don't mind, they did same for me and my siblings throughout our lives.
Frustrating to see them get brainwashed by the hatred and stupidity in our Nation at this day and time. Dad has even gone so far to BUY A GUN! As kids, we were NEVER allowed even have a TOY GUN!
I just don't know what to do with these two. I keep my mouth shut, politics are completely off the discussion list. But at times, I almost feel like I just want to start stating FACTS and shut them down.
Anyone else in same situation? Some days it's just worse than others, and today I just had to vent.

(138,717 posts)It may get some attention here, but maybe cross-post @ Elder-caregivers (Group.)
(5,349 posts)iscooterliberally
(3,055 posts)She does the same thing, watching Fox all the time and buying the right wing books etc. I'm not on FB anymore so I don't see any of that crap. We don't talk about politics or religion anymore either. She thinks Trump is a genius and out to 'MAGA'. The best thing that could happen to her would be if the cable and the internet both went out for good. My step dad is a few years older than her and he follows all the same crap too. He's a former priest of all things. They're both anti-abortion. I hate to break it to them, but I'm sure Trump has paid for more than one abortion due to his extra-marital affairs. Nothing I say could ever convince them of that fact though. Logic facts and reason tend to bounce right off emotion. Trumpism is definitely a cult. You are not alone.
(50,568 posts)Maybe worse.
He'd invite me and my sibs (AARP material as well) out to a meal where he'd literally repeat word-for-word the last thing he heard on FOX News. I'd be biting my tongue. My sister told me not to push back b/c I'd be disinherited.
The bad news is that our father loved us (or not) the same and we were all disinherited and the neighbor across the street got $35,000 in the Will. (They watched FOX together, bless their hearts.) The good news is that Dad didn't bequest any money to the RNC, FOX News, or any Republican.
marble falls
(63,641 posts)the child is parent to the mom and dad.
There's no changing them though if it were me, I'd consider swapping dummy rounds for his ammunition.
It sounds to me like you have the most control over this possible right now.
(29,941 posts)He was a huge racist.
But I loved him soooo much. He loved me dearly.
Once he called Obama the word and I took off. I read him the riot act. I was f
flipped out. I think he was 89 at the time.
Later at home I felt so horrible. Lou was 89. How much longer would I have that love part? I decided the love part was way
Worth the Fux part.
I called him. Apologized. Said I had no right to disrespect him like that and asked him to forgive me. We decided not to speak about Obama. Lou was never going to change and of course, neither would I.
He lived to 93. We avoided politics.
RIP Lou.