Related: About this forumAgain - I FOUND CARYS!!
She did 'slip out' but not outside. She slipped out on the enclosed porch, last night, before I closed it. I always double check for any fur babies but she had hidden herself in the little cat barn!!! To be honest, I'm used to checking for any tails sticking out but she was curled up.
I checked that porch three times, this morning, but on the 4th go something told me to peek in the barn. And there she was. ALL NIGHT!!!
She's now chowing down on a can of kitten food. I'm breathing a BIG sigh of relief. Now I wonder if that's where she was when she went missing the other day.
Sometimes I ask myself if taking in these little creatures is worth all of the worry, expense and time. And the answer is always a big and most definite YES!!
(19,319 posts)MuseRider
(34,437 posts)So glad you found her.
I hate it when that happens!
Mikey puts me though some crisis mode thing at least once every week, he always finds something. Last time it was the storm drain out at the street. He sees it, I think, as something akin to the irrigation ditch network at our old place. That had some underground portions and he would take refuge in there during bad weather when he didn't want to be in the house... when the water wasn't flowing through. It's a seasonal thing.
I tell him to stay out of it and he will be learning at some point that it's not like the tunnels at the old place. He's been pretty good but still tests the limits of his freedom. It snowed about ten inches last night and it's our first freeze overnight so he's trying to get used to that part. It will keep him closer to the house now, that part makes me feel a little better but it's also time to start thinking about taking him back to his other mom where he has a larger indoors to be holed up in. He doesn't get spoiled there but he will have more room and the dog to beat up on. I might bring him back in spring when I can let him out for hours at a time. He's become familiar with the area and has his territory staked out with the other kitties on the hill.
Anyway, I am really relived that Carys has been found and she didn't get outside. Just have to check that spot more carefully.
(27,415 posts)Her interaction with the boys has been increasing, too.
Maybe that night alone gave her time to think that life inside a warm house with friends to play with and a human to feed her, groom her and give her love isn't so bad, after all.
They do figure things out, like us, on our own timeline.
I spoke to Mikey's other mom, she misses him and promised to keep him in at night and feed him better than she was. I already took care of his shot, all of them, and he's fully recovered, except a few nightmares here and there, from his trauma of the early summer.
My place is too small for him to be in all winter. We did agree that he has two homes to be at and we can work out his needs. She's about to have back surgery in the near future so he'll be back here anyway when that goes down. But he needs more space indoors and my tiny little place just ain't it.
Everything else in my day was excruciatingly frustrating but at least I got that worked out.
(37,511 posts)Siwsan
(27,415 posts)Before this morning, I kept rolling the balls towards her but she'd ignore them.
I think I'll just carry on with this 'soft socializing' and hope that will help her gain some trust.
(37,511 posts)Tiger has been coming up right on time for supper and was here early this morning. I know until he shows up in the evening I will start to worry.
(26,102 posts)..."beeper" locator device.
It is amazing how well they can hide themselves - little stinker!
(898 posts)I searched and called and searched some more. She finally came up the basement stairs looking at me like what is your problem I was sleeping.
(122,035 posts)am so glad that you know that they are worth it.
Thank you for all you do for these wonderful beings, and thank you for sharing with us.
(15,508 posts)from us at times. She goes upstairs and hides in different places. I have found most of her hiding places after six years.
(85,141 posts)They do find hiding places, dont they!
(842 posts)I discovered this morning that our 16 year old WildThing has become deaf. She seems fine, just surprised when I suddenly appear before her. So I thought, "What would I miss if I were to lose my hearing?" I would miss the sound of her purring. So I brushed her and listened as she hummed her song. Yes, they are worth it.
not fooled
(6,154 posts)Love the '60s song references!
(477 posts)Siwsan
(27,415 posts)And I have four very demanding bosses.
(26,576 posts)She came out from under the bed but only after I had called and called her. As soon as I gave up, there she was. And she's a dog. But she has always acted like a cat. I guess I should have expected it. ❤️